[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-01 AT 01:38 PM (PST)[/font][p]Okay, anyone who is interested in preserving what little foothold we have should read _ALL_ of this document:
I occasionally do searches in the federal register, like BPS (congrats at Tombstone, btw), and I always use the keywords: parachut* and/or "base jump", etc. Well, I came across a document which is similar in nature and intent to the wilderness policy rule that the BLM just made a few months back. Strange thing was, this document didn't have the words 'parachut*' nor "base jump" anywhere in the body of the document. Instead, it mentions "prohibiting extreme sports". You can find these words on page 3709 in the Section entitled: Required Determinations, paragragh 1, subsection (a), line 13 (below subsection a - it's a little more than 1/3 of the way through the document).
Further, at the end of that page and the beginning of the next page 3710, the document states that, "This updated policy has been developed with the assistance of personnel versed in Federal wilderness policy, and is consistent with the wilderness policies of the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, and Bureau of Land Management. An interagency wilderness committee meets monthly to discuss and coordinate on wilderness issues. The committee received a copy of the draft policy update and identified no major inconsistencies."
Apart from the obvious concern relating to jumping, something else concerns me: this document makes no mention of a parachute, yet the search on the federal register database with the word 'parachut*' managed to retrieve this document. Call me paranoid I don't care, but there's some strange stuff afoot. I believe there is a systematic attempt at the Department of Interior to kick us out of everwhere. We are going to have to watch this agency like hawks and we are going to have to start working the system. We have let this get too far the wrong way. We must do something now. It will take commitment, money, time and unknown resources to do, but we have to do something now. Here's the thing, right now this policy just applies to wilderness. No big deal, right? maybe, maybe not. Next time you turn around it's going to apply to wilderness study area. Then, before too long, it's going to apply to ALL PUBLIC LANDS. I promise you. Wait and see. While we're out jumping and playing or working at our regular jobs these agencies are steadily whittling away at the stone.. passing regulations and making policy. They are doing this with the awesome power of environmental groups backing them in the form of political lobby. And it's not just US who they're intent on stopping.. that thought would be farcical. The off-highway enthusiasts among us and around the country are faced with similar issues, as well as other groups who use the public lands. The time is now.
The comment deadline stated in the first notice has been extended to April 19, 2001 in a subsequent notice found at:
The Draft Manual Chapters can be found here:
We should read ALL of the draft chapters, but should focus specifically on "appropriate refuge uses" found at the top of the above-mentioned page.
Let's do something. I'm going to read these tonight. I sure could use some help. email me boone97@yahoo.com if you can help.