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Thread: BASE Victory in Denver

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    BASE Victory in Denver

    Hank Caylor's acquittal of reckless endamgerment charges in Denver March 21 was a great victory for BASE jumping.

    Both Marta Empinotti and I were certified as expert witnesses and our testimony, combined with that of Jess Neuger and Hank himself convinced the six-person jury that BASE jumping was a "serious" extreme sport and that Hank took substantial safety precautions before his jump and that his 180/wall strike/window-crash was in fact a "fluke" and not a common event -- and therefore not reckless in any way.

    It was a testament to how far BASE jumping has come in the public eye that not even the prosecutors dared to condemn our sport but only tried to paint Hanks's specific jump as reckless. Both prosecutors in their closing statements, for example, took great pains to declare that BASE jumping "is not on trial here" and that BASE was "a legitimate extreme sport."

    Listening to it, I felt almost like we were in the twilight zone -- and while all the jurors afterward said they thought there should be a law against BASE jumping in the city WITHOUT PERMISSION, the Rocky Mountain News reporter neglected to mention that they ALSO said they thought BASE jumping SHOULD be allowed in the city in a regulated, permit-focused, formal way, with days and buildings set aside specifically for that purpose!

    More details coming in Skydiving Magazine's next issue, but BASE Board readers, this was a big-time win for BASE jumping, and everyone who loves this sport owes Hank's lawyer Gage Fellows a debt of gratitude because Gage did a MASTERFUL job of using Marta and me to maximum advantage and overall managing the case in a way that left the district attorneys (all THREE of them!) flailing and grasping at straws and looking pretty much like the complete idiots they were for trying to use an unrelated statute to get their pound of flesh from Hank (NPS... are you listening???).

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  2. #2


    Go Away, this person, robin heid.

  3. #3

    RE: BASE Victory in Denver

    Congratulations to all of you who worked so hard on the side of the defense.
    You and Marta did a great job for the community. It is too bad that all jumpers do not have the positive and unselfish attitude that you and Marta have shown.

  4. #4

    Go back to playschool

    What an ##### reply.

    Well put Robin.

  5. #5

    Two more things...

    I neglected to mention that Hank's girlfriend, Carrie, while not a jumper, also contributed good "character witness" testimony on the kind of person Hank was, and her support of Hank and all of us while we were in town was a significant part of the overall outcome as well.

    Also, if you can, please send notes of thanks to Gage Fellows. He really did a heck of a job on this case and absolutely deserves the most credit for the outcome. As I said, he helped us score a big-time win for BASE jumping and he doesn't even jump! Please let him know how much we appreciate his efforts. Send email to:


    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  6. #6

    RE: Two more things...

    Hey Robin...congratulations to all concerned.Is there any way the trial transcripts or portions thereof could be posted/obtained/purchased???

    It was just a thought that, for any ongoing legal proceedings elsewhere in the world this info may prove useful.


  7. #7

    RE: Two more things...

    Congrats to Hank & all involved. I'm not a jumper but I'm supporting the cause. I need background materials for a Law Review article criticizing the 9th & 10th Circuits for the Oxx & Albers decisions, now that the Supreme Court has refused to hear Albers. Fred Morelli sent me to this site to find his case briefs, but I was unable. Can anyone assist?

  8. #8

    RE: Two more things...

    its one more thing actually,two guys in the UK beat a "public nuisance" charge today,after jumping a bridge,on the grounds of unlawful arrest!!

    Way to go boys,maybe its time to approach the owners of the site and see if we can make a legal day of it once in a while...

    Well done to your lawyer as well,seems like the gods are shining favourably on BASE in 2001.


  9. #9

    RE: BASE Victory in Denver

    Thanks from the soul to all who helped Hank and our sport! Hank has given so much to all and it is great to see that he claimed a victory for himself and all of us. Hank I love you like a brother! Once again thanks to all who helped!
    Get your ass up here and lets party!


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