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Thread: World's first BASE competition?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: IPBC

    >What is it with you Yanks always competing
    >,trying to prove you are the best!!!!!

    There is truth in what you say, but this does not aply to all of us yanks. And let us not forget that there are some from oz who epitimize this "American" trait. Ego and nationality are not necessarily related.

  2. #17

    RE: IPBC

    He is 1/2 Seppo.

    bsbd feral

  3. #18

    RE: World's first BASE competition?


    Why do you knock something that you OBVIOSLY know nothing about?

    If a group of people willingly get together to challenge themselves and do so competively, why does it bother you so much?

    If you were to go to an IPBC event, you'd see that it is quite fun, and there is alot to learn. What freedom do they take away from you and in what way?

    Competitions are not for everyone, maybe it's not their style and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

    You really shouldn't knock something for no good reason. That my friend, is bad karma.

    Best of luck in your BASE adventures,

    IPBC Fan

  4. #19

    RE: World's first BASE competition?

    You must not have read it right I was just making fun of it not knocking it what IPBC stands for .

    My Karma is just fine,But I am hoping they will bring back baby fur seal week I found my club.

    bsbd feral }>

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