Can anyone recommend any good BASE trainers/courses in Europe.
Is there anyone in France offering good instruction.
Can anyone recommend any good BASE trainers/courses in Europe.
Is there anyone in France offering good instruction.
jean-noel from Adrenalin is one of the most experienced base jumpers in the world. he's also dealer for BR,CR and vertigo.
i think he will offer a base course.
bsbd, Marty
hi chris,there is a drop zone in germany close to berlin called -fehrbellin- ask for mahle. i am sure he is also one of the best base instructors you can get.the german base association can offer you a training course.
cu hannes
Both previously mentioned names are experienced and reputable jumpers.
Jan Cuelemans in Belgium is also a very experienced and knowledgable jumper that teaches people.
His email: