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Thread: Empuriabrava

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1


    I'm going to be at Empuria for a spot of freeflying next week. Thought I'd take my BASE rig too....any local jumpers want to share some fun, or show me some local features..... ;-)

  2. #2

    RE: Empuriabrava

    i will be there on sunday or saturday


  3. #3

    RE: Empuriabrava


    I won't be there until the 14th/15th for one week. If you find anything, give us a post - much appreciate it. Looks like you are on a bit of a whirlwind tour?? Didn't you go to London from Belgium (or something...) Where else have you been lately?

  4. #4

    RE: Empuriabrava

    ask for Bar Oasis (which is the bar running by the video lady of the dropzone, Gabi Meis)...she offers appartments above the bar for skydivers which are jumping in Empuriabrava...I have been told that those appartments are great launch points for BASE...not kidding... one very welknown guy from the US (several records in 4-way and 8-way, based in Eloy) jumped from this building some years ago...obviously nobody really liked it...however I heard it was real fun for him...doesn´t mean you should go for it...just a story what could about a potential target...stay save...and have fun...

    ...if you are going for more ambitious and interesting targets try to get in contact with Slim...he jumped back in summer 1997 some cliffs close to Barcelona (which is not that far away) if I remember correct...could be more fun and the staff team in Bar Oasis might appreciate this too...

  5. #5

    RE: Empuriabrava

    ummmmm yep, sounds really safe,

    will ask around anyways..... anymore brainwaves, then let me know!!

  6. #6

    RE: Empuriabrava

    55m i think. But i don't think its been jumped in a while because the local residents complained so much to the DZ...

  7. #7

    RE: Empuriabrava

    Its amazing what a pair of #####, a wink and a smile will let you get away with....

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