hey....I'm looking for more info....a static line student at our DZ recently returned from a trip to Switzerland....get this...she has a grand total of 6 whole static line jumps...wow...but somehow she was allowed to do a BASE jump from a cliff in Switzerland (not Laut.)....she saw a flyer at her hotel and checked into it...now we are not talking paragliding....some guys gave her some gear (and she doesn't know what it was..smart girl)...but they told her to jump, count to 2 and pull the ripcord!...now this was for real no BS...she said the guys who "trained" her didn't speak much english...and she had to find her own landing area...come on!!!!??!...I chewed her dumb ass...she showed me photos...and has a video...that I have yet to see...is this really happening?....she made it sound like she was able to schmooze her way into it..and it didn't seem to be a common practice...anyone familiar with this?....concerned....and a bit peeved...peace...staying low still