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Thread: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

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  1. #1

    Bridge Day Request For Proposal


    The New River Gorge Bridge Day Commission is seeking proposals for a person to coordinate and manage the B.A.S.E. jumping off the New River Gorge Bridge on Saturday, October 19, 2002. Interested individuals and/or organizations should submit a management plan along with a $50 application fee to the Bridge Day Commission by April 15, 2002.

    The management plan should include, but not be limited to, the following:
    · Coordinator’s organizational and/or management experience
    · Selection and requirements of jumpers and the necessary criteria; jumping fee per jumper (to include $10.00 per jumper fee payable to the Bridge Day Commission)
    · Registration, credentialing, and safety procedures for the event (Photo ID to be required at registration. Photo to be on Bridge Day BASE pass.)
    · Charts/drawings, staffing, and flow procedures for the exit area, drop zone, and the rigging area.
    · Method of communication between exit area, drop zone and rigging area.
    · Transporting to bridge on morning of jump.
    · Methodology for tallying the number of jumpers and total number of jumps.
    · Planned events and associated structure
    · Cooperatively work with the Bridge Day Commission, National Park Service, WV Division of Highways, rappelling coordinator, Emergency Services, law enforcement, and other parties and/or organizations involved with Bridge Day.
    · Arrangement for services that are solely the responsibility of the BASE jumpers including river rescue, exit platform and boom truck.
    · Finances, to include expenses, income, sponsorships
    · Representative to attend monthly (third Wednesday of each month) Bridge Day Commission meetings
    · Event report to be presented at the Bridge Day Commission wrap up meeting on Monday, October 21.
    · Submit to law enforcement on or before September 1, 2002 the name, date of birth, address, and social security number of each jumper, support staff, and media associated with the BASE jumping component of Bridge Day 2002.

    Please submit your proposal to:
    Keith Spangler
    New River Gorge Bridge Day Commission Chairperson
    Fayette County Chamber of Commerce
    310 Oyler Avenue
    Oak Hill, WV 25901
    Phone 304 465-5617
    Fax 304 465-5618

    Bridge Day is an annual event happening on the third Saturday in October. Bridge Day is West Virginia’s largest one day festival; attracting over one hundred thousand people each year. BASE jumping is an integral part of Bridge Day. The BASE Coordinator position is renewable each year based on having managed and provided a successful event.

  2. #2
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Perigee Pro

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal


    I would like to take moment to make a few points.

    Look at that list above -- now that is time consuming! Think of the finances involved to make each of those things happen. Now think about all of the things not listed above...

    For years, I have heard people whining about having to pay $50 - $60 for Bridge Day. The list above should give you a general idea of just how much work is involved in putting on an event of this magnitude.

    I would like to applaud Harry Parker, Dennis McGlynn, and Avery Badenhop for all of their efforts over the years. And another heartfelt thanks to the countless volunteers that donate their time and experience for nothing more than a pass that allows them to make a few jumps while their not performing duties during the event.

    I have no idea if Avery, Harry, and Dennis are going to try and organize the event this year, but I sure hope so because I believe they have done a great job in the past.

    Thanks guys for your hard work and dedication throughout the years. You've provided a platform that allows the masses to make their first jump, while also providing things like competitions, trade shows, and seminars for experienced jumpers.

    Believe me, it doesn't go unnoticed!


    Bryan Stokes

  3. #3

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal


    No offense to you or your Ill Vision team mates, but Bridge Day was "providing a platform that allows the masses to make thier first jump" long before any of those guys even started jumping.

    I'm certain that the competition to coordinate the jumping at bridge day will result in a better managed event that is more fair and efficient to all jumpers. :-)

  4. #4

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    · Submit to law enforcement on or before September 1, 2002 the name, date of birth, address, and social security number of each jumper, support staff, and media associated with the BASE jumping component of Bridge Day 2002.

    didnt we deal with this last year?
    i beleive someone came up with the section of the constitution that prevented this information being forcably extracted except for tax pruposes etc.

    i hope that someone does take on the job and from what has been done in the past i would go for the current organisers they know whats involved they can start at a run and they will be in a better position to argue for as wider participation event instead of a limited "demo" jump.:7

    · Cooperatively work with the Bridge Day Commission, National Park Service, WV Division of Highways, rappelling coordinator, Emergency Services, law enforcement, and other parties and/or organizations involved with Bridge Day.

    we will deal with the national parks service like adults when they grow up and stop behaving like teanagers regarding other national parks.
    we will come you cannot catch us all and the bill will just get tooooo expensive. cant you think of anything better to spend your time or money prosecuting how about all the other fars feeding the animals, lighting fires, traping hunting, murder, pedophillia etc etc etc.}>


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    >· Submit to law enforcement on or before
    >September 1, 2002 the name, date of birth,
    >address, and social security number of each
    >jumper, support staff, and media associated with
    >the BASE jumping component of Bridge Day 2002.

    >Please submit your proposal to:
    >Keith Spangler
    >New River Gorge Bridge Day Commission

    Dear Sir,

    With all due respect, I doubt, seriously, that you will manage to get many BASE participants if you require social security numbers in order for them to jump. You see, the types of people who come to jump off of your bridge are akin to the very same types of people who crossed the atlantic many years ago to settle this country: people who wanted to do something different... people who didn't want to have to answer to tyranny... people who believed that freedom isn't something you should have to register for. We BASE jumpers are NOT mindless sheep and we generally do not succumb to law enforcement pressures to provide detailed information about ourselves (unless forced).

    I would venture to guess (since I haven't talked to him nor heard anything to support my belief) that Avery, et al, told you all where you could stick your social security numbers; hence your post asking for an RFP to be the bridge day coordinator for next year.

    You and the rest of the Bridge Day Commission members must not have done enough to drive bridge day into the ground last year because it appears that, with the imposition of requiring a social security number and all of the trouble THAT is going to cause, you haven't done enough. What you will end up with at bridge day is an endless stream of skydivers (note the distinction) eager to jump off of your bridge with no real BASE jumpers willing to help them prepare for a jump that might kill them without such aid.

    Be careful what you wish for.....

    Some of my cohorts in the BASE community will likely post responses to my post telling me I'm paranoid and telling me that I shouldn't be worried about providing my social security number. They'll tell me that, in light of the events of September 11th, the BD commission must take additional precautions to ensure the safety of jumpers and spectators. Frankly, I'm not the least bit concerned about providing _MY_ SS number. Truth is I don't think for one second that there is any underhandedness in your requesting and getting a social security number from a BASE jumper. For me it is more of an issue of form: it just LOOKS BAD.

    Bridge Day is, I'm afraid, a 'has been' for many BASE jumpers. A large contingent of BASE jumpers will not be jumping at Bridge Day this year, deferring instead to a more personal jumping experience in a smaller place that exhibits a much lower level of self-importance than the BD commission does. Hell, they don't even require a name where we're going - just a phone call before and a phone call afterward. Now THAT is the American way.

    I personally think it is a great bit audacious of you all to think that a bridge in west virginia would ever be a terrorist target; there are many many places in america with far higher concentrations of people than jumpers and spectators at bridge day. get real.

    K. Gardner Sapp
    Atlanta, Georgia
    BASE 311
    K. Gardner Sapp
    Executive Director
    The Alliance of Backcountry Parachutists, Inc.
    P.O. Box 38202
    Atlanta, Georgia 30334

  6. #6

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    I'm sure it will be a much better run Bridge Day with more heart than we ever put into this event for the BASE Jumpers and BASE Jumping. It will be interesting to see what happens when the "NEW PERSON" organizes for the bridge day commission. One thing is for sure when it happens, "ALL" BASE Jumpers will lose. I have been involved with Bridge Day since Jean was there. Helped Andy, and when he surrendered formed up with Avery and Harry to give it our ALL. We put everything we had into making it the best we could for the event and BASE. For those who have been around for the last 10 years know what I mean. number of jumpers to jump on bridge day went up, number of jumps went up by hundreds of more jumps in the 6 hour period, from around 300 to close to 1000. while safety increased from around 30 injuries to only a few each year. we decided to decline the commission demands this year because they are taking more and more from the BASE jumpers and giving nothing in return, NOTHING!!!
    As I said it will be interesting to see who runs things this year. after they go broke and find out first hand just how much work and how many hoops to jump through not to mention organizing hundreds and hundreds of BASE jumpers whom many are first timers, (if the commission gets their way that to will be over) maybe then we might , just maybe get a shred or respect for what we do for that event and for BASE Jumping. Anyone who says we have not given it our all when we do bridge day does not know us at all. the amount of work that Avery ,Harry and I, (and all the rest of you volunteers) put in to make this event happen year after year is about to go down the drain if the commission has their way. Most of what we got was ridiculed from the jumping community about how much better things could be run. well now we are going to get to see that first hand. we have made our decision and a stand, and for all of you who really know us should know that means something.
    for those of you that don't, GOOD LUCK, and be aware of the lynch mob (or whiners) who will be at your heels when you have a hard time producing what you promised you could. even when you do deliver they will still be there, LOL

    I have had a great time and it has been a labor of love without a doubt, for bridge day it has to be. I will miss it but enough is enough. bridge day is not the only game around anymore and it is not even the best one, and it is definitely not worth the hassle we have to endure to help make it happen.

    This is going to be another one of those turning points in, and for BASE Jumping as far as we as a sport and a group are going to be looked upon, treated, etc. , and whether or not we can stand together for anything.

    again good luck to the "new person" LOL your gonna need it!!
    to all the rest of you, c-ya at the next exit point,

  7. #7

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    Actually, Avery, harry and dennis have been the very best thing BD has ever had.

    You are full of S_H_I_T if you think you, or anyone is going to be able to run it even half as good as they have.

    It is so pathetic how people like you are talking crap about how you think you could do better, when you do not have a fuckin clue.

  8. #8

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    i think that the bridge day committee should sit back and rethink theyre new ideah as i think they are tripping on it big time . they should let avery harry and dennis run it as they have done for the past few years with a big accent on the ideah of makeing it a good safe place for people to make theyre first base jump.i did my my first one there bridge day 2000 and am hopelessly hooked and have done 19 more since then .if they try to change things around like they are talking about i am for going to perrine for bridge day like we did for 2001 what a fun time that was for all not as high as NRG but a great place to learn . i transitioned to leaving stowed that weekend . so i hope they rethink things and go back to the right way of doing things and let somebody who knows the sport and the ideah behind bridge day to run it .that is just my a--hole opinion on the subject. thanx for your time hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates

  9. #9

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    Good for you Dennis. The Bridge Day Commission has never really acted like they appreciated the jumpers. Too bad they don't have as much forsight for their community as the first Chamber of Commerce president we dealt with in 1982 and 83, Doug Mattie. The first real organized jumping at B-Day in 82 drew about 40 jumpers and 10,000 spectators. The next year was 100 jumpers and 100,000 spectators. I remember Carl Boenish, Phil Smith and myself talking to Doug after the end of the day and I asked him if he thought the jumpers somehow detracted from what Bridge Day was meant to be. He looked at me and said, "the jumpers are Bridge Day". The BDC is overrun with agencies who have no real desire to have a lot of BASE jumpers. For years, they pushed Jean Boenish and myself to divulge ID's, etc. and we resisted. They always wanted more concessions from the jumpers but never offered anything in return. I'd love to see a true boycott of the event because 200,000 people will not continue to come without the jumping. Unless the BDC backs off of some of its demands, I hope no one accepts their offer.
    Rick Harrison

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    >{Doug Mattie} looked at me and said, "the jumpers
    >are Bridge Day".

    This is, perhaps, THE MOST IMPORTANT thing that we must all remember. We ARE Bridge Day. Without us, the spectators will wonder where we went - then the BDC can tell the people that we went to Idaho instead. Why? because we're appreciated there. Perhaps the BDC thinks that we won't be missed; perhaps they think that we'll succumb to the pressure to provide SS#'s. Perhaps they're right. Are you going to be the one who proves the BDC right? I'd rather eat a pile of dogpoo than give the NPS my SS#... and it's not because I'm paranoid - I just don't wanna. A bridge jump isn't worth that to me.

    >The BDC is overrun with
    >agencies who have no real desire to have a lot of
    >BASE jumpers.

    This is something I've been considering for a while now. Here's a bit of irony.... the National Park Service has been between a rock and a hard place with this Bridge Day thing for a long time now. With the BD festival, at least several (maybe a hundred) first-time BASE jumpers are bitten by the BASE jumping bug each year. The park service sees this BD festival as BREEDING its own problem. While the NPS accommodates Oak Hill and the people of West Virginia by _allowing_ us to land in the park, I bet the NPS is LOATH to issue the permit. The NPS can't stand it that it has to issue a permit to allow BASE jumpers to land in OUR PARK. Further, the NPS can't stand the notion that, by issuing the permit, it is contributing to its problem of BASE jumping. Heh heh... that just tickles me pink (feral?). Anyway, you see the NPS's dilemma. So HOW does the NPS deal with this problem and _STILL_ save face with the spectators and the people of West Virginia? Limit the jumpers to those who are experienced (who've already been bitten by the BASE bug). The crowd won't know the difference... there won't be as much 'new blood' coming into the BASE community. Problem solved.

    >They always wanted more concessions
    >from the jumpers but never offered anything in
    >return. I'd love to see a true boycott of the
    >event because 200,000 people will not continue
    >to come without the jumping. Unless the BDC
    >backs off of some of its demands, I hope no one
    >accepts their offer.
    >Rick Harrison

    Rick, I appreciate your steadfast position on this. I share your stance. Several years ago there was a 'chat' organized on this board wherein I suggested a boycott (we were discussing the latest NPS issues du jour at the time). The suggestion, itself, was thought to be good in theory. Implementation, however, was thought to be impossible. I concur that implementation is impossible... there are simply too many self-involved people in this sport (that's OK - it just makes cat herding impossible).

    Do you think that BASE jumpers as a group have the wherewithal to organize a boycott that would work? Sadly, I do not. Australia, the UK, Germany, and others have organized, FUNCTIONING, BASE associations. We have piddled about in this country passing through several permutations of even loose associations that seem to go nowhere. Without effective organization, effective self-policing and effective self-control, the NPS will always be the victor.

    I will say this and then I'm finished: I will not be at Bridge Day 2002 in West Virginia this year. I will be at Bridge Day 2002 in Idaho this year.

    Gardner Sapp
    BASE 311
    Atlanta, Georgia
    K. Gardner Sapp
    Executive Director
    The Alliance of Backcountry Parachutists, Inc.
    P.O. Box 38202
    Atlanta, Georgia 30334

  11. #11

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    >Australia, the UK, Germany, and others have organized, FUNCTIONING, BASE associations.

    please can you give me info on this UK base association as all i have seen here is a fractured politicaly separated group of jumpers who rarely get together with anyone except their own group.


  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal

    awwww come on.... work with me here.


    K. Gardner Sapp
    Executive Director
    The Alliance of Backcountry Parachutists, Inc.
    P.O. Box 38202
    Atlanta, Georgia 30334

  13. #13

    RE: Bridge Day Request For Proposal


    Is that the voice of a non-London based limey speaking from experience? If you're in the UK and you want to go flick, I'll be in England in late April. Let's get together and go tear it a new A$$. Emaiil me

    PS. I'm firmly with Gardner on this whole issue. The jumpers ARE bridge day. If you take away the jumpers all that's left is a bridge. Wahfuqinhoo. Bridge day 2002 is not for me. Party in Idaho or Utah. Let's getiton.:-)

  14. #14


    I nominate Robin Heid to run Bridge Day!

  15. #15

    RE: nominee!

    Now there's a scary thought. I'm sure he is already assembling his imaginary troops and dreaming up all sorts of plans that all culminate in the base world bowing at his feet and praising him for the god that he is :9

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