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Thread: New Bridge Day Event-West Coast

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  1. #1

    New Bridge Day Event-West Coast

    Since Nobody is willing to start a new thread, here are my words from the "Why I'm going to BD thread."

    BD is not necessary. Maybe we could start a new BD type event at say foresthill bridge where there are no NPS a##holes....Ever think of that??? And, maybe we could tweek it a bit and create a minimum expereince level requirement and forget those first timers who survive there first BASE jump through luck, height, water, etc.

    Wow, great idea Jim! I propose we charter a new event at foresthill bridge....Who knows....maybe this could be the beginning of a new "perrine!" We just need an organizer.

    I think the people of Auburn for the most part will be receptive, even though it is a rural Republican county. When I was busted there a year ago there were seven cops and two state park rangers on the scene, (not to mention a helicopter to flush us out of the bushes if we tried to escape) and only one of them wanted to bust us. The rest of the officials thought we were cool and watched our video a few times asking us questions about the jump. What I'm getting at is that only a few crusty old fu(ks will probably be opposed to the idea - especially if someone outlines the economic gain the city will get from holdinng events like this one.

    Soooo, what do you out there think of this idea?
    I know they have held events here in the past using a "filming permit" and they are always ready to open the bridge for any commercials or movies if little a green for the city of Auburn is involved.

    Who's willing to take on the challenge???
    (Not me, I'm going to Europe for a long time real soon....)

    Jim J

  2. #2

    RE: New Bridge Day Event-West Coast

    Jim you've hit the nail right on the head,my pedigree chum.Auburn makes a lot of sense even if it involves a modest ammount of the old cashola.
    I also agree with you that Tom should take charge and make it happen.
    If a person of true hardness is needed I'm sure I'll be able to help.
    Carry on gentlemen.

  3. #3

    RE: New Bridge Day Event-West Coast

    Why not organize it anyway and run 2 events on two different weekends? I'm sure many people from the west coast miss out on bridge day at NRG because of distance anyway, so why not have it a month earlier out west and then let the NRGB go on as well as it can, regarding the new regulations.

    Skypuppy BASE92:+

  4. #4


    You are hereby banished from the Base Board for two weeks for making too much sense.

  5. #5

    RE: Penalty!

    No trade show?
    How much per jump?

  6. #6

    RE: Penalty!

    The site you mentioned is far from a beginner site. Swirly winds are sure to put newbies in the rocks or in the shallow water.
    not cool

  7. #7

    RE: Penalty!

    <The site you mentioned is far from a beginner site. Swirly winds are sure to put newbies in the rocks or in the shallow water.
    not cool >

    That's one reason why I said no beginners - make a minimum jump experience required (although I have witnessed many newbies do their first jumps at the site successfully).

    Like Space says, and contrary to Robin, why should we discourage formal first jump courses? The availibility of jumps like Bridge Day will perpetuate the sad stories we hear about newbies teaching newbies. In my opinion, this sport should be difficult to get into...

    Jim J

  8. #8

    Read what I said

    Contrary to Jim's assertion, I in no way, shape or form said we should "discourage formal first jump courses."

    First jump courses absolutely have their places, even though they do, in fact, create the illusion of competence in people who learn to jump from a 500- or 750-foot bridge and then think they can go to Moab or Norway and have at it like they know what they're doing. (Likewise, whatever training Space provides in Norway is apparently well-suited to safely jumping in THAT venue, but not the place to go for learning low altitude, slider-down techniques and consideratons.)

    As one of BASE jumping's most senior designers, manufacturers and trainers said to me, "Training them on a bridge means they're qualified to jump from THAT bridge."

    Nevertheless, training courses ARE better than nothing, especially if the teachers stress the fact that they are conducting "first jump" course, not a comprehensive training program that prepares jumpers for more than just living through a high jump from a bridge.

    The point I made about Bridge Day, however, was that many people make a one-jump-only or one-jump-a-year affair of jumping at THAT BRIDGE ONLY and, as such, have no particular need of much training. For all the newly minted BASE gods out there, thousands of jumps have been made from that bridge by persons with pure skydiving gear, including D-bags and 36-inch pilot chutes, and there have been (if I recall correctly) three total fatalities in 22 or 23 years, two of which were due to drowning, not gear or technique issues.

    There are several BASE manufacturers who conduct basic training classes; by all accounts, they all do a good job and most people wanting to start low altitude parachuting would be well-advised to take advantage of their services. I would also like to see those companies expand their training offerings to include intermediate and advanced techniques and training, just like ski areas do (you can get "first day" training at Vail, and you can also take advanced backcountry powder skiing or mogul bashing too).

    But I stand by the basic premise vis a vis Bridge Day: It's a great place for low-time or no-time people to do one-time-only or Bridge-Day-only jumping with minimal training and supervision... and whatever happens this year, it won't "perpetuate the sad stories we hear about newbies teaching newbies."

    In fact, Bridge Day 2002 will probably go off just about as safely as always, which is more a testament to the site itself and the collective lessons learned over the years rather than some extraordinary ability on the part of its organizers, past or future.

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  9. #9

    RE: New Bridge Day Event-West Coast

    Let's keep it on the east coast...

    Just what we need, more attention in CA for BASE jumping.

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