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Thread: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

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  1. #1

    Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    The following are examples of a couple of posts written by Jim Guyer under the username Ravenhall (If you check the user profile for Ravenhall you will see Jim's name).

    It's interesting that Jim onced called for people to stand together and boycott the Petronas event and called anyone who went a scab, but then sells out the jumpers social security numbers for the opportunity to run Bridge Day....hmmmmm

    The relationship between Robin Heid and Jim Guyer is pretty strong. It would be interesting to "pull back the curtain and view the magician who operates the puppets strings".

    From the pen of Jim:
    Don't chide Robin Heid.
    He's cool man he can glide
    It's the bad boys I can't abide
    Wish their money hunger would subside.
    As a result of reading the input on Petronas, it is apparent that it was sabotaged by the greedy and untrustworthy Chinaman.
    It is also apparent, from the writing of many respondents, that they are the typical non-cooperative type of people who could never work under or with any type of authority. They, by their obvious lack of worldly experience, absence of wisdom, poor judgement and likely lack of formal education, have not the slightest concept of strategic planning. These kind of people only live for the day.
    No doubt about it, when they become old and their jumping days are finished, they will be the ones to whom we who work hard for a living will be shelling out unemployment and social security benefits.
    They are the future ghetto dwellers. They are what Nitzsche called the "herd".
    They, not only today , screw up their own lives, but negatively influence all those with whom they come in contact. They live to cause trouble.
    The selfish, uncaring, inarticulate scum will go to Petronas at any costs, just to get to jump from one of the towers. They live in thier own little world of cognitive dissonance.
    They will have ruined it forever for everybody who wanted to seriously begin a long-lasting worldwide competition with a solid grounding.
    But, that's how these stupid and ignorant malcontents operate.
    Then after the jump, they have another toke or take another one in the arm and their euphoria goes on until they can crush another honest effort.
    That's their culture.
    A suggested course of action: Somehow, get the names of whatever scabs and extremists go out there, publish those names on this web site and blackball them forever.
    I am personally begging Skydiving Magazine not to give them any publicity. Please Sue and Mike, ignore these people completely for the protection of the future of competetive BASE jumping.

  2. #2

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    I noticed some time ago that Ravenhall was talking trash out the left side of his mouth, while Jim Guyer was kissing a$$ out the other side. So not only is he a dangerous BASE jumper, he's also a crusty old fu(k and a backstabber, oh, just like Hyde. Hyde is in cahoots with Jim Guyer, so there's some sh!t gonna get brewed up there soon, Robin can't help himself but to screw it up.

  3. #3

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    Jim may be Robin's puppet now, but I wonder how long it will be before Robin picks out a nasty little name or acronym for good old Mr. Guyer? Until then, I guess they both only hate the scabs who cross lines they don't agree with. The self-serving double standard is pretty clear. &-)

  4. #4

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    I think that Jim Guyer is an honorable guy. Three of us BASERs were sitting around in Florida last night and I told him what was on the BASE board about him and Heid and the Ravenhall bit. Jim said it was true. That he, among others, had made the mistake of getting conned by Heid into writing those letters to support Heid, since he had been led to believe that Heid was Mr. BASE and Mr. Petronas and that the other guys had screwed him. Jim lost $700 bucks on the deal in airline tickets because of Heid's BS. Jim said that he just trusts people too much and that he is sorry that he ever was dumb enough to get mixed up with Heid.But he has just done it to himself again! He just got into another project and to his surprise found out that Heid is really the man in charge. He had been led to believe by the other cons that Heid was just a reporter for Skydiving Mag. Jim said that he will be home most of next week and that anyone should freel free to call him about this mess or any other suspicion at : 828-693-5008

  5. #5

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    If it really is true that Jim is not in cahoots with Robin, then more power to him on the BD thing. Robin has sweet-talked and conned more than a few people into supporting him, only to be called names later.

    Jim seems like a decent guy and hopefully he won't be bullied or subtley manipulated by Robin in the future.

  6. #6

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    Of course, you will all remember that I was the first to be fooled into supporting Robin. Many years ago he tricked me into helping him organize the first BASE expedition to the Pacheco de la Trafico sin Pelicula Arrancar Muerta con Japones. This was a beautiful sushi restaurant in Paraguay. I did much work for him, only to realize much later that he had taken all the money and purchased six llamas. I was very sad.

  7. #7

    RE: Jim Guyer = Robin Heid

    Hey Me,
    Thanks for the light hearted humor. I actually laughed out loud. You should consider a job in comedy. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE could use your writing skills,

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