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Thread: BD Coordinator

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  1. #31

    RE: BD Coordinator

    Tree wrote:

    "This seemed logical since you have to show an ID anyway, and that said ID would be all that any resourceful law man would need to verify that you were not a "risk" to the bridge."

    This is exactly right, "...said ID would be all that any resourceful law man would need to verify that you were not a "risk" to the bridge." Requiring us to give our SSN's is just a kneejerk power grab and totally unnecessary for law enforcement purposes. Have you ever had to give your SSN to get on a commercial airliner in this country? duh.

    There is no way in hell that the West Virginia State Department of Transportation is going to let the BDC shut down both sides of the Bridge. Not gonna happen. Who is going to check all of those trucks and cars that will cross and how with the checking be performed? Not gonna happen. Are they going to have SAM placements to guard the bridge from airstrike? no.

    This is a joke and nothing more than an example of a small town wanting a piece of the homeland security action - a town intoxicated by a need for and opportunity to gain self-importance.

  2. #32

    bridge day SSN

    Quite a heated discussion regarding the SSN thing considering there has been no official posting from Jim, Go Fast, or other governing bodies....seems like rumor at this time. Hell, I work with GO FAST and have not heard an official stance on this yet.

    My applause goes out to Avery, Dennis, and Harry for their incredible work in the past. But before we write this year off and pass judgement, let's see what Jim can do! I don't want to walk onto the bridge with my SSN card waving above my head any more than anyone else.

    I'm sure as definite news and info. become available it will be posted on this forum and in Skydiving Mag. Let's wait and see.


  3. #33

    RE: BD Coordinator

    How does identifying someone prove they are not a threat to the bridge? It does not, if you remember the terrorist on 9/11 were on the airplanes LEGALLY. This is just another STUPID security feature designed to bring comfort rather than actuall security. Tell me how knowing who someone is prevents them from killing themselves and all those around they care if they get caught? Oh, wait, they're already dead. Fu(k this SSN stuff, not only is it intrusive but it does NOTHING to improve security. Best I can remember no one asked for my SSN on my last flick ;-) oh wait, that was one of them there naughty BASE jumps.

    Hey, maybe I'm just craby 'cause I haven't flicked in two weeks.


  4. #34

    RE: BD Coordinator

    I think all you that are NOT going to W Va come Oct , for the mere reason of giving/not giving your ss# are a bunch of whiners. I go to the dr, they want my ss#; I apply for credit, THEY want my ss#, my phone co. even wants my ss# ( and you know what kind of asses they can be). Whats the big deal, unless you have something to hide.
    Go jump Perrine...W Va wont miss you a bit. Do you think theyre going to notice? And if they do, do you think they'll care? The less jumpers, the less security.

  5. #35

    RE: BD Coordinator

    Yeah cuz everyone knows if there's a problem it will be one of the 400 jumpers, NOT! There's 150,000 people at a decent Bridge Day, maybe 250,000 on a great weather day. The jumpers are less than one half of one percent of the crowd. Not to mention THOUSANDS of motor vehicles just a few feet away. That's where the problem is going to be, count on it. Whatever Bev, you will not miss a few jumpers, that's for sure. What you will miss is the casual freedom to wander on or off the Bridge without being scrutinized by, maybe, the National Guard. The new security measures are unfounded, and all the hype about it by law enforcement agencies will probably only put bad ideas in rotten brains, ideas that maybe they never had before. Most Americans don't even know where West Virginia is! It's such a non-target for global terrorism. And if the security measures were indeed necessary, meaning there was an actual threat, and based on the global situation overall, why have a Bridge Day celebration at all? I think West Virginia does care about the future of Bridge Day, and weather or not they give damn about the jumpers, they should give a damn about how their officials are handling the situation. I'm sure Idaho will appreciate the jumpers business, and do you think the jumpers care about West Virgina? We can jump all year in Idaho, in West Virginia, 1 or 2 legal jumps a year, go figure.

  6. #36


    At the Fayetteville Tribune website below the BDC article, you can post you opinion for the New River Gorge community to see.

  7. #37

    RE: BD Coordinator

    I agree...apparently everyone feels that financial and educational institutions, utility companies,and medical facilities, (physical and dental), etc., etc., are all more "upstanding" and "trustworthy" than the local law enforcement in W.Va...Oh...and I'm assuming that everyone against this SS# deal has a paper/document shredder, correct? I think that if the majority of these "freedom fighters" will take a few moments to actually think about their regular day to day, week to week activities, they may realize that if someone had wanted to wreak havoc on their "identity", it could have been done long ago...I'm not saying that this means caution is a foolish thing; I just feel that if people think that the BD thing is not worthy of the #, then they may want to take a look around at the rest of life in general...I guess if you wanted to be SURE that your # wouldn't be used/misused, you probably would never own anything, never get any health care, have no electricity or phone or even drive a car for that matter...

  8. #38

    RE: BD Coordinator

    ...I'm not sayin' everyone has to "lay down for the man", but if you're going ot rebel about the use of SS#'s; fight it completely and whole-heartedly, or not at all...

  9. #39

    reality check

    I don't understand,-if all you freaks are so scared of giving out a little thing like a SS# how are earth did you ever muster enough balls to make a BASE jump? Does your mom hold your hand and wipe your butt? Live life on the on the edge-put your number on a form and see what the big dogs do with their lives. And who the heck would want to steal your pathetic identity anyway, in fact I would pay big money to NOT be mistaken for most of you!

    Spoiled wussy brats, what did your parents do to you to mess you up this bad? Go sit in your room and play your Barry Manilow and Milli Vaniili albums or jerk off on your posters of Michael Jackson for all I care, I'll be at BD jumping}>

  10. #40

    RE: reality check

    I mustard enuf balls to make several hundred BASE jumps. I aslo have enough balls to stick to principles. Go ahead and give it up, you are not free, you are oppressed.

  11. #41
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: reality check

    How did you know about my posters?


  12. #42

    RE: BD Coordinator

    it's good to see, atleast dennis, avery and harry have "backbones"

    It's all about fu#+ing RESPECT.

    jim make you bring a towel to wipe they're spit off your face

  13. #43

    Avery = the Real Sellout

    To all those loudmouths out there with short-term memory loss, last year before the event was cancelled, BDC said give SSNs or you can't jump and it was Avery who bent over and told the jumpers they couldn't jump unless they gave him their SSNs.


  14. #44

    Delbert is a dipstick

    Better get that head injury looked at.

  15. #45

    background checks

    my sister was given a tour of the White House, to the edge of the Oval Office, last week by a long-time friend of hers.

    this friend had submitted her name to whom? the
    Secret Service maybe? I don't know but the friend put her name on some kind of list about two weeks before the visit, without her birthday and SSN. only her name and address, and the rest of her vetting was apparently good enough to get to the Oval Office.

    if my sister can get to the Oval Office without providing a SSN, maybe it should be possible to get onto the bridge without one too.

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