yahoo muff muff muff just a note to say that i for one had a blast at bridge day the weather did not want to cooperate in the days leading up to bridge day so the water was high and very fast but a few people in position to do so got the dams upriver closed down some so that the water dropped down 3 or 4 feet or better so we had a little more landing area than was there friday come sat morning the wind was up a bit but it started to lay down a bit when i made my 1st jump about 11oclock and was down to almost nothing when we did our muff bros 3 way about 2 p.m. what a hoot that was and a great way to end bridge day for us we were all wound up after that.i really think the organizers did a jam up job and it ran pretty smooth to my observations . to jason and all involved a well deserved well done thumbs up .you guys did a hell of a job the only problem i encountered was on one of my trips to the top we had to wait because the reppellers had some tickets that non reppelling friends and family could use to ride the bus and on a trip up a big bunch of us had to wait about 35 extra mins after waiting quite a while already because they took up about half of the bus and there was not room for us. other than that i thought it was right well run . the bottem crew was on the ball helping every one out of the landing area quickly as there where a lot of people landing in a small area all in all i had a blast and will be back for sure .i am still wound u about our muff bros 3 way what a great way to end the day muff muff muff till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates