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Thread: The Good and the Bad

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    RE: The Good and the Bad

    great to hear the good vibes,
    regarding the train delays, csx was contacted and was asked to delay trains on b-day but this didnt happen this year, maybe next year, we are tryin!

    high water
    this was addressed and the corp of engineers did the best they could do, but the huricane filled dams upstream (north carolina) to maximum and some water had to be released. the week long rains in wva also caused problems on uncontrolled streams and rivers (greenbriar) in particular. when you see water running out of the side of the mountains, thats a sign that new river will be high.

    spectators at the lz,
    we felt that some of the energy and heart of bday was lost to limited spectators in lz, the loss of cheers, oohhss and aahhhss were missing, this has been addressed and you may see a change in 2003(hopefully for the best)

    there will be some changes in transportation and a larger packing area in 2003.

    as a base jumper in my opinion, the cooperation of all of our brothers and sisters in this sport is what made this run smoothly. being polite and courteous to each other and a lot of patience with each other made it all come together.
    bbird and lz safety crew

    ps we found the lost life vest and it will be returned as it was left on the trailer where we set the jumper to dry out and wait for a ride to packing area.
    again thanks to all for your cooperation and help in making this a safe b-day

  2. #2

    RE: The Good and the Bad

    In the 22 years that I have been a part of or observer of Bridge Day, this appeared to be the best of the last 18 years! People seemed to be more layed back (both the organizers and the jumpers) and the event never went smoother as far as I'm concerned. Everything seemed painless from the sign-up on line to the registration. Altho the video waiver was a pain in the ass.. it was a necessary evil. The main thing that made it better than ever was the good vibes from Jason Bell, Troy Widgery, and Bill Bird. Their organizational skills came through in spades and the "no sweat" attitudes of these guys made a somewhat complicated event pretty much a piece of cake compared to some past Bridge Days. Sure, some people may nit pic the small stuff... but as the first time out for these new organizers I thought they did one hell of a job.

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    The Good and the Bad

    This is my list of some good things and some bad things about Bridge Day this year...
    The Good:
    :D Awesome platform above the bus
    :D only 2 injuries (base)
    :D plenty of Go Fast drinks
    :D Short lines (except at the start!)
    :D Bus ride to the exit point
    :D packing area
    :D few spectators (obsticles) at the bottom
    :D My picture on the front page of the Gazette-Mail doing a triple gainer!!!

    The Bad:
    :-( train delays
    :-( Trees had not changed colors much
    :-( Bus delays (not too bad though)
    :-( High water=short delays to stay dry
    :-( Some bastard stole my hiking boots!!! X(

    just a small sampling of my thoughts pertaining to B-Day 2002.
    Jason, BASE 570

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