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Thread: oraganising a comp

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Psychos and Punks

    rOBIN dont put yourself down your not a psycho.

    Your a inbread psycho.

    With six fingers.

    bsBD feral:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

  2. #17

    RE: Psychos and Punks

    Dude - they didn't ##### up anything. PETRONAS LOVED IT. That's why there are events taking place THROUGHOUT the year in Malaysia.


    I would like to see one ounce of evidence that supports your claim of it being worse than the Yosemite and the flat-bed ten. Just one ounce!

    And here's another question for you: if you feel so betrayed and if you think that the BASE community is nothing but back-stabbers, then why don't you screw em' all and either quit the sport, or, just hang out with your close BASE buds and simply jump and enjoy the sport for what it's really worth: kick-ass cool jumps with your bros.

    If you don't like everyone else, screw em' -- GO OFF AND JUMP THINGS WITHOUT THEM.

    Why sit around and bicker like a little ol' nanny?

    Please think about this, I honestly would like to hear your thoughts on this.

  3. #18

    RE: Psychos and Punks

    You guys argue like woman, i thought base was about having fun, beer, beer, beer and the odd "escort" when i have spare money, but at the moment it's one giant BASE board gang ##### with people being anon and wasting other behind their backs. Stand up, ##### someone up and get it over with. My idea was a comp between 4 or 5 TOP class jumpers, and the rest demo's. that way their wont be any 20 BASE jump "pro's" winning.
    "officer, can u roll me a joint while i get my license"

  4. #19

    RE: Psychos and Punks

    Someone said to me recently -

    "To be honest, rob, I gave up thinking that anything about jmping, other than the placement of my foot on the pad, was serious a long time ago. The world is too full of important things to think that jumping is one of them."


  5. #20

    Your "demo comp idea


    The idea of four or five competitors and the rest being demo is a good idea, and a good mix... it's kind of a demonstration competition and I think it would work just fine. good luck with it.

    robin heid
    base 44

  6. #21

    Good questions

    First, what Petronas does or does not think of BASE jumping after last year's clusterfucck has nothign to do with other BASE events in Malaysia. KL Tower was jumped before Petronas, and Martin Dumas did several other pioneering things that helped get the process started.

    I did my part with Petronas, but what Petronas does or does not think of BASE jumping now does not dictate whether there are additional events this year.

    And what are those other events, by the way?

    Next, I don't feel the whole base community is composed of backstabbers... just a few unsavory Americans and one pseudo-American (who did a sham marriage to get a green card).

    In fact, there are some really spectacular people in the sport, and after all the grief and aggravation of the last couple of years with the aformentioned Americans, I can say that the best part of it (after jumping the world's tallest building) is the several; first class people I have gotten to know because of it (some whom I've yet to physically meet). There are indeed many many really good guys and gals in the BASE world and if you look at my original posts on this thread, you'll see that my advice to Nathan centered around a related point: Non-competition BASE jumpers represent a much better pool of people that competition types, who represent a lot more of the punk contingent than they do the ranks of true professionals.

    In fact, you touch on a key point as far as my own jumping. I started BASE jumping to get away from the politics of the drop zone.

    And that's how I continue to BASE jump, by myself or in small groups. Places like BD, Perrine and Moab... I make sure I go when there is NOT some kind of event or gathering.

    As I've said before, I got involved with the Petronas event because an opportunity fell in my lap and I tried to take advantage of it for everyone, not just myself. I stated repeatedly that I would like to DEVELOP the project to a level where I could turn it over to folks like Avery and Dennis and just jump and let them handle all the organization stuff because they like to do that.

    But they are backstabbing little children who just had to sabotage and claim credit for my efforts because I did something they'd never been able to accomplish.

    And I'm sure not cut out to be a BASE jumper babysitter, and that's what it takes to do these things -- being a babysitter, especially with the Americans.

    So while anything is possible, organizing BASE competitions has dropped off my radarscope completely and most likely I'm done organizing at any level.

    It would be nice to be invited to some of the events in recognition of my accomplishment in opening the world's tallest and most beautiful building to BASE jumping, but I'm sure not holding my breath.

    Finally, I do intend to spend a lot more time jumping this year than writing and fighting about it and trying to organize something that helps the sport. I still shake my head over how many jumps and BASE trips I could have done with all the time and money I spent trying to make Petronas great, only to see it turn out badly, get badmouthed in the process, and not even get to jump it again!

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

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