Are there any sites in Scotland?
Might be going this summer and was woundering.
Are there any sites in Scotland?
Might be going this summer and was woundering.
Scotland, bro? What brings you there?
if theres anything in scotland could u mail us as we are not irish and would love to come andjump with ye
There ain't too much BASE jumping going on in Scotland. It's nothing to do with the terrain...It's just awkward to wear a rig and a skirt at the same time. Och aye the noo!
It's not that awkward ya know
Skirts & rigs quite good actually ;-)
>There ain't too much BASE jumping
>going on in Scotland.
>It's nothing to do with
>the terrain...It's just awkward to
>wear a rig and a
>skirt at the same time.
> Och aye the noo!
Ye reackon??? Checkout -
THis is really going to help.HAHA. Thanks for the picture. If I end up going and jumping I will make a jump in a skirt and post it on the board.
Too cool man!
Talk about having your words shoved down your throat. You almost got it dead right...
Really cool Scotsman wear a tie dye Tam o' Shanta with a luminous Pom Pom.
It must have been a low altitude jump 'cause you appear to have your undercarriage down for landing already. Maybe it's the adrenalin that makes it shrink. You must have been REAL scared!
Nice one!
If you get any info on GB, Scotland or reland, please let me know as well.
I just arrived in London for 6 months and want some BASE!
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
"Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
Hey Mick!
I can help. Shoot me a mail and I'll give you some contacts in the UK.You may be interested in a trip to Ireland too.
I live near London at the moment, send me an email and I'll give you some info on objects.
Dont know about scotland but there's an A about 2 to 2 and a half hours drive from the scottish border near Manchester in England on Winter hill. Dont know about popularity of the site but security should be minimal. I'de say it was 500-600 ft and not much grows bigger than that in the UK. E mail for more info . Blueskies.