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Thread: Completing BASE

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  1. #1

    Completing BASE

    Going out to do my B (last object I needed for BASE). There were three of us and the guy with the lowest experience wanted to see me PCA the first guy so he would feel more comfortable about me PCAing him. So the 1st guy stands on the edge and launches unbekownest to me my finger was caught in the mesh. After the PC is out of my hand I look down and my finger is 90 degrees to the right. Instinctively I set it myself and the pain set in a bit. I stood there figuring if I could grab toggles and risers if need be and concluded I was able to do that but not to PCA the other guy. He was cool with going down and I had already tied off. Stood on the edge and went. Excellent jump and landing and B's are very very fun :) I'm out of comission for a few weeks though :(

    Thanks again to Blaire for letting us use his object :)

  2. #2

    RE: Completing BASE

    My pleasure....CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'll break my finger if you help me get my Earth;-) Come back anytime, both of you are always welcome.....Gabe bring your own plunger next time:*

  3. #3

    RE: Completing BASE

    Don't you think you should have walked down too? You could have made a potentially fatal mistake by deciding to jump. You need to be totally prepared for every jump, both mentally and physically, and jumping with a broken(or dislocated,jambed, sprained) finger is just plain stupid. Especially on a "B", and your 1st "B" to boot. It sounds to me like you are way too concerned about getting your BASE# than your safety. Good judgement is essential in BASE if you want to live and jump for a long time, so I suggest you start using it!x(

  4. #4

    RE: Completing BASE

    "I stood there figuring if I could grab toggles and risers if need be and concluded I was able to do that but not to PCA the other guy. "

    I was focused and could use my hand. I made sure I could before I made the jump.

  5. #5

    RE: Completing BASE

    You just don't get it, do you? 1st off you said that you were totally unaware that your finger was trapped in the mesh, this in itself is a potentially life threatening mistake. You could have been yanked off the "B" while you were PCA'ing your friend. 2nd, why was your finger even close to the mesh anyway, I think you got extremely lucky with the injuries you sustained. 3rd, you said that you decided you could grab the toggles and risers "if need be". If need be? In all of my BASE jumps I have ALWAYS had to use these things, not just on select ones. Please use your head and make the right decisions. And remember that it's all fun and games untill someone gets hurt, killed, or arrested or a site gets burned from a stupid mistake made by somone who takes the lillte things for granted.
    Just trying to help you become an old BASE jumper and not a dead one.

  6. #6

    RE: Completing BASE

    "You just don't get it, do you? 1st off you said that you were totally unaware that your finger was trapped in the mesh, this in itself is a potentially life threatening mistake. You could have been yanked off the "B" while you were PCA'ing your friend. "

    Well I was tied off and I don't have a clue as i thought I was just holding the cap. Prevailing theory suggests that since there was a hole in the mesh that was where my finger got caught. Another possibility is my hand hit the edge when it was being taken out of my hand (also probable).

    "3rd, you said that you decided you could grab the toggles and risers "if need be". If need be? In all of my BASE jumps I have ALWAYS had to use these things, not just on select ones. Please use your head and make the right decisions. "

    I meant quickily by that phrase (ie in the event of a 180 I could quickly correct the situation). I of course used the toggles to steer and flair as normal. The site would have been burned had I had to walk down as there was a fence I probably couldn't have climbed.

  7. #7

    RE: Completing BASE

    Hell you have enough trouble climbing a fence without a broke finger. You definately couldn't make it over with one:-)

  8. #8

    RE: Completing BASE

    Shut up or I shall let go next time :* :7

  9. #9

    RE: Completing BASE

    Hey NCSU and ASU, how you boyz doing, haven't heard from either, I know ASU is ok...well maybe he has irratable bowell syndrome, but how about yer fanger....? Man my finger was fine and I fell hard on my arse climbing back over the fence on the way down....:'(


    ASU, you ain't too far, when we gonna get one together???????

  10. #10

    RE: Completing BASE

    Friend,everytime you post a statemnet you stick your foot in you mouth....

    You stated that "Well I was tied off and "I don't have a clue " as i thought I was just holding the cap. Prevailing theory suggests that since there was a hole in the mesh that was where my finger got caught. Another possibility is my hand hit the edge when it was being taken out of my hand (also probable)."
    Well no ##### there are holes in the mesh, that's why it's called mesh! You need to be totally aware that everything is clear of any snags. So I suggest you "get a clue". You aslo stated that your hand could have hit the edge during deployment. I'm suggesting to get the proper knowledge to successfully execute a perfect PCA. It doesn't involve just hanging on till it gets ripped out of your hands. You should ultimatly have the canopy extract (not inflate)then just before line stretch let go. It's a delicate process and takes many tries to get it right. If you don't know how, ask an experienced jumper near you.

    So you said that you couln't climb a simple fence but you could steer the canopy away from danger in the event of an emergency? A fence is a minor inconvienience, but a 180 at close quarters is a huge problem. Have you had to deal with this yet? My guess is probably not, most "newbie" jumpers think it will never happen to them, but I'm here to tell you it WILL. So be as prepared as you can get, and take nothing for granted!! If you keep making these poor judgement calls, no one will want to jump with you or show you their sites because no one wants to be around someone who might burn their site or get injured or killed on a jump.

    Maybe I'm totally out of line here, but I'm just trying to open your eyes to the reality of BASE.

  11. #11

    RE: Completing BASE

    "Well no ##### there are holes in the mesh, that's why it's called mesh! You need to be totally aware that everything is clear of any snags. So I suggest you "get a clue". "

    A hole torn that wasn't supposed to be there as if it had snagged something.

    I realize 180s happen, and I stand by the fact I was fully prepared for that. I was definitly focused for the task at hand and stand by that.

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