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Thread: the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    RE: the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey

    Hi Italy Base one. If you're still interested in a BASE number, we'll be glad to get you one. Let me know an address and the 4 first objects that qualified you, place, altitude, date and time and we'll get a number to you. Sorry for the time numbers were hard to get, but my wife Joy and I are working hard to keep the tradition alive. Like you say, none of us do this just for a number, but we'd like to have you in the records anyway. We'll note the actual date by your records. Hope to hear from you. My e-mail is
    Rick Harrrison

  2. #2

    RE: the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey

    Italy Base One, e-mail me with your name. There is a good chance you were issued a number by Jean as she kept everything in the right order even though she wasn't mailing numbers out. We have the original complete list and if she got your mail you probably have a number. Let me know your name and approximate date you mailed it to Jean and we'll look and get back with you. I'm at and Joy is

    Rick Harrison
    BASE 38

  3. #3

    RE: the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey



    Jean Boenish


    Jean Rick Joy


    Rick & Joy

    Thanks again

    Simone #485

  4. #4

    RE: the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey

    Hello Italy. As you know your correct number in 1998 was recorded even though you didn't get it mailed to you. I'm writing this so the rest of the BASE community will know not to give up just because you think the numbers weren't issued during the time they were'nt being mailed. Jean did a good job of keeping them in the right order over that 2 year period and if anyone out there sent Jean an application and did not get a response, get hold of us as it is likely your number was issued in the right order and we'll be glad to get it to you.
    Rick and Joy
    US BASE Assoc.

  5. #5

    the late '90 B.A.S.E. # Odissey

    Here my story........
    I've complete all the objects about late '98....
    I had 18 jumps at that period..... and I was also the first Italian to get it...
    I starded to post dozens of letters with a little cash inside from Italy....
    I've left houdreds of answering machine message to Jean....
    About informations of some friends with me at that trip ( Don, Yuri, Bill, atc...), it wasn't still issued the 500th... so I wanted to get it....
    Tonight I've got my 150th building jump in Rome and my 650th jump overall....
    and still without a number.....
    But anyway.. now I really don't care 'cause the only pleasure is being GROUNDRUSHING!!!!!1
    C-YA ALL

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