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Thread: Throwing "UP" PC

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Throwing

    G'day Faber,

    I don't have anything immediate at hand I can upload otherwise I would have already. I vividly remember when Dwain started to do low FF's well before many others. He would trot up to the exit and as he jumped up and forward he threw the pilot chute high and above his head with a very head high body attitude.

    The pilot chute not only inflated above his head but also above the exit point before he fell downward. (Example - North Head (200ft) here in Sydney). I think he was the first to FF it. Learning this technique we took on objects much lower all over the world.

    I am really keen to see Spences technique. There is so much to learn.

    Well done on the waterfall Spence. That object has seen a lot.
    Luv SLIM

    Australian BASE Association

  2. #17

    RE: Throwing

    >freefell the little local waterfall today :o 4
    >sec ride.

    SWEET! Good job.

  3. #18

    RE: Throwing

    >Sorry most of those jumps were done at night so no photos.
    OK, never mind then.
    But couldn't you take a video of yourself on the "ground" simulating your above mentioned PC throw, and then share few pictures drown from such video here on the BB?
    It does NOT need to be a real BASE jump to show us how you pitch, even a simulation on the ground would be sufficient :+

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

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