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Thread: Twin Falls Sunday Newspaper Article

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  1. #16

    RE: Twin Falls Sunday Newspaper Article

    First off, I think it's unwise for any BASE jumper to confront or even try to explain to Mr. Stout what BASE means to us and why his son jumped. The absolute bottom line is that his son is dead and he's dealing with it in a way that gives him solice. So let it go.

    The best part about being a BASE jumper is that it's undergroung and clandestine (at least in my state) That means that I don't give a crap about what the general public thinks. They're all reading books and watching t.v. and thinkin about whatever when I'm on top an A. Sometimes I just like to sit at the top and think about how many millions of people are in my state and then realize that only me and maybe a couple of friends are the ONLY ones getting ready to huck an object.

    Most "Normal" people will never, ever in there entire existence even remotely understand the true joy of life and self that BASE provides it's participants. We don't need to explain it to them.

    I guess my point is that if you don't like what's going on, you have other options. Some objects may need regulation, many don't because the public just doesn't know they're being jumped. Simple equation: Jumps in public = regulation. Jumps out of public eye = unregulated BASE at it's finest.

    I think we can trust Tom and Jason to do what's best for us given the current situation. Whatever happens, happens. I'll make jumps regardless.

  2. #17

    RE: Twin Falls Sunday Newspaper Article

    First off, I want to extend my deepest sympathies to Mr. Stout for the loss of his son. I think we should also remember that Brian was a BASE brother, and we should show his memory the respect which that entails. That makes Mr. Stout a BASE-In-Law of sorts and so he should also be afforded similar respect.

    What's happened is in the past and cannot be changed. All we have is the present & future. I think we're all trying to figure out a way to move forward in a way that everyone feels is the most effective & meaningful.

    So with that in mind I just want to think out loud a bit. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just want to express some observations.

    I have a bit of a concern with Don (or anyone else for that matter) being assigned the responsibility of handing out informational pamphlets. After everything that Don has done for us I would hate to see him being held liable if he, for whatever reason, misses a person on his boat and a pamphlet is not handed out. If we could arrange it in a way where he could do it without being exposed to the threat of a lawsuit, I'm all for it.

    Pamplets, being printed materials, often run out. In Italy, there is a sign (in multiple languages) which outlines guidelines for jumping the local object(s). Perhaps a set of strategically placed signs might also communicate the message and would be more permanent in nature.

    Just my $0.02

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