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Thread: Looking for Bridge Day videos and pictures.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Looking for Bridge Day videos and pictures.

    I too had a great time at this year's event. Thanks to Jason and everyone that pitched in. And thanks to the exit staff for helping take out some of the butterflys!

    I'm hoping some of you other Bridge Dayer's can help me out. I'm looking for three things: Video of one of my jumps, video of other people's jumps, and pictures of the day.

    I had to make the trip alone this year so my video and stills gear had to stay in the car. I was hoping to be able to put up a Bridge Day 2003 story on my website, but without any video or pictures, it wouldn't be much to look at.

    I know there were about 6 people with Mini DV cams at the railing in the exit area, so I was hoping to get a copy of my first jump. It was around 9:15. We could work out all the details later, but I would be happy to pay for the time and effort. You can respond, or send me a private note to work this all out.

    Also, if anyone wants their stuff to be published, I would also like to add it to my site. I think you can see it from my profile, but the link just in case is

    You would get full credit for your work.

    Please let me know if anyone is interested.

    Thanks!! Andy

  2. #2

    RE: Looking for Bridge Day videos and pictures.

    Photos captured by Whitewater Photography (the crew in the basket and LZ) are online at

    There are several other photographers who will have their pics online soon, from what I hear.

    You can always buy the Bridge Day 2003 video that should be out later this year and available my websites.

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

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