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Thread: Jumping with bicycles

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    Jumping with bicycles

    Anyone have any suggestions about jumping with the aid of a bicycle, motorcycle, scooter etc. Should you keep it (no) or chuck it(yes)?What would be a good altitude to try it from? I think a bicycle would fall slower and thus create a hazzard by possibly coming down through your canopy after you open. How can you minimize the chance of this happening, besides not doing it ;-) I know it's been done before and I even remember JB jumping with a scooter and keeping it :o. What are some pros, cons and possible problems? Just trying to get some outside opinions...thanks

  2. #2

    RE: Jumping with bicycles

    A couple of years ago I saw some dude jumping Angel Falls with a mountainbike. He chucked it and had a PC attached to it to make it fall a lot slower. And of course Angel Falls gives you a lot of time to track away from it.

  3. #3

    RE: Jumping with bicycles

    Remember the laws of physics. A scooter or bicycle has less mass and will float on you. When I left the edge with my scooter, it immediately started to float, which rotated my body as well. Kinda scary until I was under canopy. I'd say do a 1 sec delay unless you plan to ditch it.....

    Don't forget about keeping the environment clean.....if you decide to ditch a motorcycle with all that oil and gas.

    Good luck.

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  4. #4

    RE: Jumping with bicycles

    I have some old video of Carl Boenish & Phil Smith jumping off a once-legal-now-illegal E with stilts & a pogo stick. They had a rope tied to them so the "jumping aids" were just hauled back up after they went off.

    Funny, funny video... :o

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: Jumping with bicycles

    I pretty much had figured that it would fall slower, that's why I was wondering about how long of a track you would need to get a sufficient distance away from it. The object I'm thinking of doing it from is 1200ft. I think it's a good height but I still have doubt's. Most of the other jumps that I have seen have been from great heights like 2000-3000ft. Any suggestions on the proper wind conditions? The more wind the more the bicycle travels across the ground which might be a bad thing. It might get blown over the top of you!!!

    No worries about keeping the environment clean... I don't think I'll be taking a motorized vehicle to the top, and I plan on picking up all the pieces after impact.

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