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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1


    It appears as if someone in the BASE community has a virus that picks two email addresses from their address book, placing one of them in the FROM line and the other in the TO line of an email. Then the two random (innocent) victims who supposedly sent and received the email start pointing fingers at one another while the real sender is never known (nor does the sender know the damage he's done).

    This virus has been going around for quite sometime amongst jumpers. I've been sent the virus, in addition to my email address being placed in the FROM line of emails sent from other carriers, which prompted angry emails from the receipients.

    I'm a computer geek, and I've cleaned all my pc's. Other friends of mine have experienced this also and their pc's are clean. I'm trying to find some commonality in who is receiving emails and from whom they are coming from. For example, recently I received an infected email from someone on the Bridge Day Commission.....therefore, the true sender of the infected email must have my email in addition to the Bridge Day Commission's email in their address book.

    Anyone else experience this recently? I've tracked some of them to an ISP in North Carolina.

    Oh well.....

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
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    Hey Jason,
    I'm in NC but I haven't experienced anything like this yet. I was thinking that BASE 719 would have both email addresses and he lives in NC. Maybe you could contact him. I have his email but not the Bridge day commissions.
    hope this helps in your investigation...
    Jason 570

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