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Thread: BASE and Military Applications

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    BASE and Military Applications


    Has any military, US or otherwise, ever used BASE jumping in any way?

  2. #2

    RE: BASE and Military Applications

    Yeah, for fun while on leave. Not in any Govt. Capacity though...


  3. #3

    RE: BASE and Military Applications

    But...If the weather is do get dropped from a 250ft tower under a T-10...during Tower week of jump school.... :P


  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Military and BASE Applications

    Speaking of the military...has anyone here ever undergone a DOD background investigation for a security clearance? I'm going to need a secret clearance for a possible new job and I'm sure it will come up. If you can shed some light, email me: mcm114(at)

  5. #5

    RE: Military and BASE Applications

    >Speaking of the military...has anyone here ever undergone a
    >DOD background investigation for a security clearance? I'm
    >going to need a secret clearance for a possible new job and
    >I'm sure it will come up. If you can shed some light, email
    >me: mcm114(at)

    You've been ping'd. Check your email.


  6. #6

    RE: BASE and Military Applications

    >If the weather is do get dropped from a
    >250ft tower under a T-10...during Tower week of jump

    Wow, I never thought of that. I was dropped from that tower back in 1985 as a young scraping Marine. (Damm I'm getting old) ;( Would that count as a BASE jump? You were dropped, you didn't jump. But it is a fixed object.
    "OOORHAA Sergeant Airborne"!!

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