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Thread: hit with a sledge hammer

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  1. #1

    hit with a sledge hammer


    Last week i went from a little over 500hundred feet and opened in 2 seconds.
    I pulled............. then got the body slamming shock of my life.
    By way of anology, I got hit with a kidney punch several years ago when boxing and it instantantly floored me.Everything for a micro second went white. then black dots in the whitness. Then I was ok.
    That's what happend on this jump. Whitness, black dots and recovery. For the microsecond that I was out I had gotten into line twists. I kicked hard while pulling the risers with my hands for separation. I was out of them in a couple of seconds.
    I made a safe landing.
    I still don't know what caused it, but it was a shocking surprise.
    My whole upper body, back, waist and traps, was sore for a week.
    Too bad we did not have it on video and the answer may have been found.


  2. #2

    RE: hit with a sledge hammer

    Wow, that must have been some opening. What was your setup? What canopy, vented or not, size pc, etc... Had you jumped this particular configuration in the past? Was your tailpocket velcro mated properly after the jump?

    Stay safe out there! ---Dex

  3. #3

    RE: hit with a sledge hammer


    I used a 34pc with no variables from other jumps.
    Did not check to see if velcro was mated.
    Thanks for your interest. I only posted the event becasue of the mysterty and shock. Everything held constant, I have jumped again with no mishaps
    Hope that it never happens to you.

  4. #4
    Neil UK

    RE: hit with a sledge hammer

    Hey Pete

    Did you really use a 34" p/c for a 2sec delay?

    I had a "stars in my eyes" opening on a brand new v-tec Fox last year. It was my 2nd jump on it so I think that may have had something to do with it. Still, I'd rather get slammed than snivel in! :D

    Stay safe


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    RE: hit with a sledge hammer

    >I used a 34pc with no variables from other jumps.
    >Did not check to see if velcro was mated.

    Isn't that PC a little small for a 2 sec. delay from 500ft?:(
    Dex might be right, you might have gotten line dump and your canopy opened before line stretch was complete. Glad to see everything worked out.

  6. #6

    RE: hit with a sledge hammer

    That must be the cause; ie, pc too small resulting in line dump and then a slammer.

  7. #7

    RE: hit with a sledge hammer

    "LIGHTS OUT"! whiteness, black dots, vivid colors, blackness happened all the time jumping with the old T-7's used by the military,
    and, at times, carrying over 250 pounds of equipment. Maybe that's why I am so punchy. But even that comes and goes. A little pain is part of the game.

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