Okay, Tom Digged this tread up again,so i think ill tell my storry.
It were on my jump #30the 31sept. 02
I were used to go solo,while im the only jumper in my region.I had got my 29jumps whith in 3 month,and had just experienced to go stowed and slider up(from 900ft)so now i would try to go stowed slider off from 600ft.When i got up there i redesided. i werent ready to go stowed from there anyway so i would go off hand held.I went off perfect and good onheadding deploy,but my rigth toogle were blown,i had learned to through the oter aswell(but also did it by inctinct)now i had only my risers, i were abit high,so i thourgth i would land head wind under the A,but i didnt think of that my 180 riser turn would put me lower,and that i then were facing trees..I made 90 more and should start to flare.I had never tryed it before so i pulled the risers down aprox 15cm,which resulted in a stall in aprox 6-9ft,i made a plf,but the impact were so hard that i broked my lower leg(find pic under accident),then i made the turn(in my plf)which broke it in the other direction and maked it a open fractur.. I manneged to cut my canopi,but hold on to 1 riser(not much wind but i didnt really felt it were good if i moved)i looked down at my leg,it were dislocated by 90 degree and i could clearly see the bone.Damnit,i had forgot my cellphone in the car(on the top i had desided to jump anyway),it were parked 300m/900ft away..lucky i had called my gf before i climbed to tell her that i were about to climb 600ft but would call her before i jumped.. i could feel i were bleeding.. ####.. i had to stop it before i got drained, i were thinking of using my belt,but then again.. i then knew i migth would loos the lower leg,so while i layed there in near nato possition i desided to try to see if i could get the leg back in the rigth posistion,i raised my leg and lod it drop down,next thing i rember is that i wake up whith dirt in my face,but the bleeding is stopped and the leg looks like it fits better there(also the bone has gone abit on place(not stitching out so much),next step,dont panic,and dont go in chock.i roled over to my back.packed the canopi around me,got my climbing glowes on and started to yell "Help".All this is on video,so i also made a kind of "Blair Which project"to tell about how i felt(dont know why but i did),after 2 hours there came a car,it were my gf and her dad.She had tryed to call me and the rescuestation.She could obisily not reach me,so she knew somthing were wrong(after 1 hour after i started to climb),she then called the rescues,but they didnt belive her,so she called her dad,so they were 2 to find me.When they came i were al clear(i had been 2 hours on a feild which were 13,5 degree C wearing sweatshirt pants and normal gear(and shoes of course).I asked them to remove all my gear and bring me my Cellphone.I then called the resucers that then came out after aprox 30 min more.It took 20 min to get me into the ambulance,and 30 min to the hospital.I were uncontiuness some times.
On hospital i got morphine(damn that #### works:D )and were told i would need a surgery to get an external fixator.I used it in 6month,whith out luck then they removed it and i healed up just like that.Its now near 8 month ago,and i now are back in buissness again.
Lesson to learn:
1. dont do solos whith out you cellphone on you and have talked to some one just before you jump.
2dont through you remain toogle
3i never jump whith out a flashligth(just a tiny one) and 3 pills of morphin on me again
4 rember to video it,or the docs dont belive you(they need info to treat you rigth,and cant talk to the police,well at least here)
things i were lucky about:
1i survived
2i acted proberly stopped the blodd kept me warm(i had 37,5 degee C by arival at hospi.
3 it were higher up at my leg then i think i would have been dead.