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Thread: I need Base Jumping video for History Channel

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: I need Base Jumping video for History Channel

    Hey Rick! Hope the shoulder is healing up.

    About a year & a half ago, the Learning Channel had a show called "Understanding Risk Takers & Thrill Seekers". A fair portion was devoted to skydiving, but part of the show also covered BASE jumping.

    Amazingly, and much to my pleasure, BASE and skydiving were portrayed in a very positive light.

    And as you are well aware, there are a few of us who care very much that BASE's colorful history be preserved and passed on. Y'all did some amazing stuff, stuff that would make even today's jumper's skin crawl.

    Can you say "train jumps"? :o

  2. #17

    RE: I need Base Jumping video for History Channel

    What I didn't hear you mention, is that THC will re-sell the whole show. So, you gave them 2 shows and they profitted on 2 shows. Then, they sell the show again, and again and again..... This means they profit over, and over, and over again....

    If the jumper sells the risk to his/her life for unlimited access, ass the jumper gets is an inflatted ego from being on several shows. The media CO is laughing all the way to the Bank.

    Saying, "That idiot risked death, used all his own money, time and energy so I could profit"!

    I have heard from everyone that $2K to $3K per minute with 2-4 minute MIN is the normal. I personally feel that we should get more as the risk is higher as well as the costs.

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