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Thread: One sided off headings

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    One sided off headings

    All of my off headings are left off headings.

    I have video of my position, which "appears" fine, some I can put down to cross wind, some to PC osscilation, but some in nil winds pc off my back still go off to the left! I pack identical each and every jump (including my on headings) – and my control lines are identical length.

    I just wondered it anyone can give me any other possible reasons why I may “consistently” get off headings toward one side (I have never had a right off heading). I have changed the side I sit at when I close the container and also changed the order I do things on the pack job – but all my off headings still go left!

    Any thoughts from the more experienced canopy pilot why this leftness may be occurring?

    Thanks for time and thoughts!!!

    Be safe!

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    gargoyle,oddessy FX

    RE: One sided off headings

    During my first ten jumps or so I had a similar problem.All lefts,no rights.After reviewing video and my packing I could not figure it out until I decided to open a perfectly good pack job.When I pulled the shrivel flap off and started extracting the canopy sure enough the top of the canopy came out toward the left.I attributed the problem to poor pack tray symmetry during the closing of my container.After equalizing the position and closing forces the problem magically disappeared.That was my experience.I have no idea whats causing your off lefts but it could be pack tray symmetry,perhaps.

  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: One sided off headings

    If you are having more than 90° then it´s very likely the PC.
    Check the symmetry of the PC, Step on the bridle and compare the load tapes under equal tension, anything more than 1cm needs to be corrected by loosing the knot, adjusting and retightening the knot and rechecking. Let us know if you do find the culprit.
    take care

  4. #4

    RE: One sided off headings

    >During my first ten jumps or so I had a similar problem.All
    >lefts,no rights.After reviewing video and my packing I could
    >not figure it out until I decided to open a perfectly good
    >pack job.When I pulled the shrivel flap off and started
    >extracting the canopy sure enough the top of the canopy came
    >out toward the left.I attributed the problem to poor pack tray
    >symmetry during the closing of my container.After equalizing
    >the position and closing forces the problem magically
    >disappeared.That was my experience.I have no idea whats
    >causing your off lefts but it could be pack tray

    well i am starting to come across to this way of thought! i think perhaps that I am still forcing the pack about abit to much on closure - even though i have changed the side i close from and that the pack job looks neat and equal and even on both sides - perhaps more care is needed when i wrestle it shut! :P - I have a very evenly bulked pack but maybe I am pulling one side of the nose fold over from its original placing - i did have one non-jump where i walked down cause of "bad feeling" and when i popped the pack job the nose was slightly lob sided! maybe i should take some time out and pack and re pack and test deployments from the ground! ;-) ;-) ;-)

    sometimes the wood is hidden cause of those darn trees!!!

    Be safe!

    and thanks for ALL replies!



  5. #5

    RE: One sided off headings

    >During my first ten jumps or so I had a similar problem.All
    >lefts,no rights.After reviewing video and my packing I could
    >not figure it out until I decided to open a perfectly good
    >pack job.When I pulled the shrivel flap off and started
    >extracting the canopy sure enough the top of the canopy came
    >out toward the left.I attributed the problem to poor pack tray
    >symmetry during the closing of my container.After equalizing
    >the position and closing forces the problem magically
    >disappeared.That was my experience.I have no idea whats
    >causing your off lefts but it could be pack tray

    well i am starting to come across to this way of thought! i think perhaps that I am still forcing the pack about abit to much on closure - even though i have changed the side i close from and that the pack job looks neat and equal and even on both sides - perhaps more care is needed when i wrestle it shut! :P - I have a very evenly bulked pack but maybe I am pulling one side of the nose fold over from its original placing - i did have one non-jump where i walked down cause of "bad feeling" and when i popped the pack job the nose was slightly lob sided! maybe i should take some time out and pack and re pack and test deployments from the ground! ;-) ;-) ;-)

    sometimes the wood is hidden cause of those darn trees!!!

    Be safe!

    and thanks for ALL replies!



  6. #6

    RE: One sided off headings

    Body position during openings (after you pitch your PC) is also very critical to opening heading. Dip a shoulder and watch your canopy turn in that direction.......

    Good luck!

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

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