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Thread: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

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  1. #1

    Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    Hello there!
    I was wondering...
    I got few big PC's (48", 46"...) that have been ordered by myself in ZP fabric, as soon as I got them, due to their brand new state, due my (at the time) low experience in evaluting differences in fabrics (as soon as I got them, I realized they were NOT in the same ZP fabric as my Sabre (just to give a comparison), but they still looked someway different from my canopy's F111 fabric, I thought: "I ordered them in ZP, they look like ZP, they must be ZP!!!").
    To make short a long story: after quite a while in use, I realize that these PC's MEANT to be in ZP are actually in F111. Not an enormous problem, but you know...
    My question is the following.
    Would it be a really bad idea/cr@p/bùllsh!it to get the F111 PC's become ZPish spraying them with silicone impermeabilizing spray? The silicone spray used to get impermeable various types of cloths (tents, shoes, other)? The same spray, actually, I use to lubricate monthly (well, nearly monthly...) the yellow coated lolon cable of cutaway system of my Javelin skydiving rig?
    Are there any cons in transforming in ZPish some F111 PC's with that sort of spray?
    Good idea/bad idea/black death idea?
    Thanks so much!

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

  2. #2

    RE: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    First off, don't confuse what zero porosity fabric is. The way I understand it, what we typically call "ZP" is actually F-111 nylon that has a coating on it which significantly reduces the porosity of the fabric. I don't know what the coating is exactly, but my best guess is that is is silicone based.
    Secondly, you have to be really careful about what touches your canopy. Some petroleum products, for example can practically eat through F-111 like a hotknife through butter. Make sure you do a test piece before killing your slider.
    Out of curiosity, what are you jumping where you are regularly using a ZP sail slider?

    good luck

  3. #3

    RE: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    My short answer is:
    Never, ever mess with the PC. If that fails, it is all over.
    I would never think of ever modifying my PC. I would just order a new one. $75.00 is well worth saving your life.

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    Some of these sprays contain petroleum distillates, but I think they're for leather only. Don't use that kind. Others are made for hiking boots and are used extensively on Cordura (nylon). Camp Dry is one example.

    ZP is essentially just F-111 with some additional coatings (silicon or urethane). Not the same as spraying out of a can, but we'll never know until someone tries, right? I say go for it. Just make sure you air it out and it doesn't stick together or melt or anything when it's packed in a BOC. And don't jump it unless you're absolutely sure it's safe. (Duh) That usually requires extensive testing. By that I mean give it to someone else and tell them to go first.:(

    Hell, I have several pieces of scrap F-111 laying around. Maybe I'll give it a shot and post the results here.

  5. #5

    RE: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    There's rumors of a fair-haired jumper using Scotchguard to renew some life to old F-111. Not quite ZP, admittedly, but also a big step up from "so old you can breathe through it" nylon, if my memory serves.

    If I were using a 48 and really wanted a ZP 48 (doing sub-180 foot freefalls, basically), I'd invest in a new 48 for that. Otherwise, I'd likely play around witht he PCs and see if treatment could help them extend life.



  6. #6

    RE: Getting ZP cloth on F111 PC's with spray

    >Make sure you do a test piece before killing your slider.
    >Out of curiosity, what are you jumping where you are
    >regularly using a ZP sail slider?
    PC, PC, PC. I am talking about the possibility of impermeabilizing a F111 PC with silicone spray. But I perfectly got the point of doing some tests on some spare F111 fabric and see what happens. Even after a while after the application. I shall try to get some spare F111 fabric and I shall do the tests. I shall post the results. Actually, the silicone spray I am presently using for lubricating the yellow lolon coated cable of cutaway system of my Javelin states: "It impermeabilizes trekking shoes, nylon clothes, tents, other....".
    Anyway, when I jump our terminal wall, on my Fox I use a regular F111 sail slider and I am quite happy about it. When (before starting BASE jumping...) I was used to skydive with my Fox (BASE packed into my Javelin) I used a regular ZP sail slider, still jolly happy about the opening shock!!!

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

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