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Thread: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

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  1. #1
    Toms Angry Ex

    Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

    Hey Boys and Girls!

    I just wanted to let you all know that there will be a t.v. story on a FAMOUS base jumper that we all know (who just so happens to be the moderator of another base forum) aired by the DISCOVERY HEALTH CHANNEL (this is a cable channel affiliate of the discovery channel). The show is entitled "Impact: Stories of Survival" and will feature the story of a base jumper who has parachute problems (oh, it's always a parachute problem) during a base jump. The show incorporates the latest graphic arts to include animated stick figures which you will not want to miss. Trust me, you don't want to miss the stick figure! What makes this story ever the more interesting is that said jumper has repeatedly and adamently denied the exsistence of said show when asked point blank. The reason for this post is to jog said jumper's you remember now?? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?


    Feb. 21 8pm ET
    Feb. 21 11pmET
    Feb. 23 04pmET
    Feb. 24 03amET

  2. #2

    RE: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

    Tom has an ex? Tom, you sly dog.

    Can't wait to see the show.

    }( }( }(
    "To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal
    light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle"

  3. #3
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Nice Closet.

    This has been irking me for several days. Would you care to come out of the closet and talk to me about it?

    >repeatedly and adamently denied the exsistence of said show when asked point blank. The reason for this post is to jog said jumper's you remember now??

    I have only ever talked to one jumper about this--once. Hardly "repeatedly and adamently" (sic).

    When I did talk to him, I told him the same thing I will tell you now.

    I hadn't (at that point) seen the show. I have since seen it (my parents taped it off TV, and asked me if I'd seen it--they gave me the tape when I admitted I hadn't).

    I was (obviously) aware of the health channel show, because I talked to them about the accident. I was never told when they would air the segment, or even that they had decided to go ahead and produce it. I agreed to talk to them because I saw it as good PR for the wonderful folks who patched me up. I did not and will not receive any form of compensation, monetary or otherwise.

    I'm fairly irritated that you have posted the bit I've quoted above. I see it as an attack on my honesty, based on misrepresentation and falsehoods, by an anonymous party. If you are the person I talked to about it, maybe you should have spoken with me before making this post. If you are anyone else, I'd be curious to see where you are getting your information.

    Sorry to clutter the board for everyone else. If I knew who had posted this, I would be able to stick to private channels.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Nice Closet.

    Sounds like someone out there has it in for you. I don't know of the accident so I'm a bit clueless. I think Tom you did do it in good faith. Good PR and all. that's not cool who ever wrote that. Is it your EX????

  5. #5


    Yeah, it's funny. Tom has never "adamantly denied" the documentary to anyone I know, and I know lots of jumpers who know Tom. Nor has he ever denied it to me, oddly enough. In fact, Tom has spoken out often about the details of his injuries, both as a warning to young, gung-ho jumpers who might think there is glamour in injuries (not that I know anyone like that!) and as living testament to the skill of the folks who put Humpty Dumpty back together again. . and again ;-) I guess his "I survived neurosurgery and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" shirt is part of his big effort to cover up his injuries, eh?

    Anyone who wants to talk smack about Tom's jumping is welcome to, so long as they do one thing: repeat the jumps Tom has done (at least the hardcore ones). Once you've done that (or equivalent), have at it. I suggest you start with the Blank Check exit in Engelberg. Then freefall the cliff at TF - twice. Then do some of the dams he's done. Then play the low-pull game with you-know-who and make a good showing of it. Once you've done this, I'll be fascinated to hear your opinion on his jumping.

    Until, then, anonymous "ex," how 'bout you SHUT THE F U C K UP? Gutless wonders like you have no right to throw pebbles at folks who are living the dream on their own terms.



  6. #6


    "Anyone who wants to talk smack about Tom's jumping is welcome to, so long as they do one thing: repeat the jumps Tom has done (at least the hardcore ones)."

    I think what you meant to say was "repeat the jumps Tom CLAIMS to have done" right?
    Thats what I thought.

  7. #7

    RE: Repeat

    >I think what you meant to say was "repeat the jumps Tom
    >CLAIMS to have done" right?
    >Thats what I thought.

    What did you think I said? Did you think I said that "I have either been present for every one of the jumps I listed, or know someone personally who was there for these jumps?" Because that is probably what I should have said. . . since it's true.

    Not that I've ever known Tom to lie about jumps, or much else for that matter. Ok, he did once lie about "getting up early to get breakfast," and then he just slept in and never got up for breakfast. There's that!

    Why is it that the anonymous cowards always attack the good ones? Jealously of character, I suppose.



  8. #8

    RE: Repeat

    >I think what you meant to say was "repeat the jumps Tom
    >CLAIMS to have done" right?
    >Thats what I thought.

    Interesting... He once claimed he was going to freefall a building. Then chose to McConkey it instead. I bet that was his plan all along. I was duped! I know nothing of the Breakfast incident.
    :9 <==perhaps that's the reasoning. Travesty I tell ya, travesty

  9. #9


    Because every time Mick finds out who my latest login name is - he disables my ability to post. Thus anonymous is my only recourse.

  10. #10

    RE: Cowards

    Right boys and girls enough is enough.The original post though not from me was only meant as a little harmless banter between mates.Tom has indeed done some wild stuff when it comes to BASE but tom has also been caught telling little lies.No one is here to to burn Tom at the stake because it really isn't worth the time or the effort.Doug you are relatively new to the sport of BASE and haven't known Tom as long as some us.I have been aquainted with Tom for almost his entire career.I was there for Tom's first jump fro the Perrine I have also been there for some of Tom's first jumps in Europe.That doesn't make me an expert by any means on Tom's ILLUSTRIOUS CAREER but I have been witnees to some of the incidents in question.So I can honestly say that I have seen Tom pushing the envelope and have in some cases not been impressed because it was obvious at the time that he wasn't doing them because he thought that they would be fun to do but more like "Hey Dwain just did a PCA so I'll free fall it".Yeah that's just great Tom .So glad you actually pulled that out of your arse and didn't smear yourself within spitting distance of a legal but still controversial bridge.Even Bert and Don weren't impressed with your next trick.And as for willingly sharing his video and recollections of accidents and close calls for educational purposes.Rubbish.What he's really looking for is acclaim and recognition for being Hard Core.Ive seen hard core first hand Doug.I was there , desperately hoping that our mate the Dr had made it.I was there to ##### UNWRAP HIM. I've seen hard core and I've experienced it up close and personal.I don't flout this information to just anyone but you seem to have taken this whole string as a personal attack on you as a friend of Tom.Well it isn't.In the same breath it isn't an attack on Tom but let's get one thing straight.TOM when you ,JJ and Douggs were driving around Northern California I spoke to you on the phone and you told me that you didn't know what the Hell I was talking about when the subject of the documentary came up.Now either you were joking or you were lying.That show is all about you.It even includes lots of nice BASE footage that was supplied by who?I'm sure that Tom Sanders gave them some but did the producers of the show really contact Pete Wiley and Adam Hartley for the right's to air their footage?????I'm done .Tom don't make me tell everyone the [you know where] ANTENNA story I'll let you tell Doug that one in private.And Doug if you have any questions feel free to email me if the gauntlet is being thrown down, I'll pick it up.One quick question before I go.When one of your Good friends has gone to a lot of trouble to organize a legal event in a foreign country.And asks all participants to "PLEASE refrain from doing bandit jumps for the duration of the competition"Then why would you insist on carrying on like you're the only two people that matter.We all payed a lot of money to get to KL it would've been a crying shame if the comp had been shut down because two HARD CORE BASE JUMPERS couldn't be satisfied jumping legally.We don't have to break every rule out there.
    Matt Strickland.

  11. #11
    Toms loving ex

    Truth or.....

    Ok all you sensitive types, the original post was SUPPOSED to be a joke, Tom know that. After he denied the existance of the show (that was seen by the MD) it just seemed very funny. "No, that show you saw was not wasn't, it wasn't!" (no, not an actual quote Mr dog, don't get all ruffled up) We even tried to order a copy of it from the Discovery channel to help him remember the video crew that was in his living room. The joke was 100% based on the denial, nothing else.
    As far as injuries go, that is no joke, we know that first hand. MD#7 has been on the mend for 8 months now, and MD#2 just finished with his dental appointments to replace the teeth lost in the fjords of Norway. So we didn't mean anything vicious. We have some great video, maybe you can flow the # of those discovery guys....

    "I see it as an attack on my honesty.." Hmmm, that is exactly the point I think. After the "I jumped M.P." thingy, the denial was just the icing. Not trying to slam you Tom, but you know where the scepticism comes from....

    What started as a joke has gotten ugly, but it never had to be this way. Sorry we had to be "honest", but we were called out. There it is.

    Rob and Ginny

  12. #12

    RE: Cowards

    Matt, your comments are interesting and I've got a few responses to make.

    First, regarding an event organized in another country, seems like it wasn't yours truly who nearly got it shut down was it? If you think any organizers have problems with any of the jumpers - and how they carried themselves - then you'd best contact them directly rather than throwing smack here. I have spoken with each of them, and for the record been thanked (along with the rest of the participants) for bringing a professional, positive, courteous attitude to the event. I am sure you have Slim's email address if you'd like to confirm this with him (and everyone else involved in the event).

    As I said, it wasn't my big butt (I can say that because I have a big butt myself, as you know) hanging off the shopping center in international headlines, now was it? If you throw it, my friend, you'd best be able to receive it. Also, funny you'd make assumptions about my actions at that event since I've never discussed them with you and I wonder where your "facts" are coming from. Clearly not from a reliable source.

    Who is more hardcore? What's the point? I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you, because I just don't care. People earn my respect by their actions and not their words.

    I always laugh at BASE folks who accuse other BASE folks of being alpha-personality, self-centered, thrill seekers. Pot? Meet kettle. Kettle, I'd like you to meet pot. Pot said kettle seemed awful black. What's that, kettle? You think POT is black as well? Funny how that works.

    I know some funny stories about Tom. I also know funny (and often embarassing) stories about a couple of dozen other jumpers. I have plenty of my own funny stories that prove just how much of a silly a$$ I am most of the time, and have shared many here. Everyone jumps for their own reasons, which are at core completely, purely, utterly SELFISH.

    Pissing on someone else because their reasons for jumping aren't "pure" (whatever that nonsense is supposed to mean) as as silly in BASE as it is in any other testosterone-driven thrill-seeking activitiy. Was the fact that my mate the Dr. sometimes did jumps over his head for reasons not so "pure" a reason to piss on him? I hope not, as anyone who wants to piss on him has to come through me first and I don't take others pissing on my friends very well. Not at all.

    You show me one person in BASE who has truly pushed the envelope, and I'll show you someone who has done jumps for reasons other than "they would be fun." Think about it.

    You may have been there when it happened, but I (and others) have dealt with the fallout of the loss of our friend ever since. I was the one who stood there and informed his fiancee that he wasn't coming back, so don't give me your crap about how "hardcore" you are on that one, Matt. It was the hardest thing I've ever done.


    D. Spink

  13. #13

    RE: Truth or.....

    Oh, well so long as it was a "joke" then I suppose all is well and good right?

    Perhaps I'm just one of those "sensitive types" who thinks it is a mark of a small person to belittle others. Perhaps it's just that I got picked on so much as a kid in school who was "different." Perhaps I just don't have a sense of humor as well-refined as the cool kids do.

    That said, my definition of a "joke" is something that makes people smile, not something that makes others look bad. I guess that's why I never got racist "jokes" either. They aren't funny. Joking about someone's near-death injuries in BASE in a way that belittles them just isn't funny.

    When people do things (or say) things that have easily-predictable consequences and then those same people turn around and say they are "sorry" for the consequences, it puzzles me. If someone poured water on your head and then said they were "sorry" you got wet, you'd probably not get the joke either.



  14. #14

    RE: Truth or.....

    Please do not name sites....can somebody please edit!!!

  15. #15
    Toms loving ex

    rah rah sis boom bah!

    man, i almost feel bad for you. first off, we didn't apologize for anything. tom got himself into this because he was untruthful and to be so about such a silly thing is indeed funny. secondly, as we said before, we are in no way laughing at the jump itself that got tom injured. if you go back and read you'll see that. thirdly, you do care and you are in a pissing contest. you've thrown so many insults and negative innuendos our way, it's as though you don't like us just because we're having a little fun with our pal tom. you don't see him writing two hundred word, angry posts at us. and this whole "hardcore" thing, it was you who brought it up (now that was funny). man, i bet tom wishes you weren't his cheerleader, it sounds so silly!

    lastly, i can't believe i'm responding to you at all because we swore we wouldn't, no matter what you blew. oh well.

    p.s. okay, you win, you hurt more than anyone else from the death of a friend and compatriate, you win you win!

    p.s.s. i'm sure matt will have his own comments...

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