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Thread: "Wild Bill"

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  1. #1
    john frogge

    "Wild Bill"

    Hi, I am the younger brother of Bill "Wild Bill" Frogge who died in Moab on January 25, 2003. I would like to thank Jimmy, Marta and Nicole for their strength and kindness. You were not only a good friend to Bill, you were very kind and understanding to my family. I thank you for that!

    To my big brother;

    It's just another fork stuck in the road,
    Time grabs you by the wrist and tells you where to go,
    It's not a lesson but a question asked in time,
    I wonder what it's worth but it's worth all the while,
    It's something unpredictable and in the end it's right,
    Bro, I hope you had the time of your life!

    I will see you again...but not yet...not yet.
    I love you man!


  2. #2

    RE: "Wild Bill"

    Our thoughts go out to you and the rest of Bill's family, John.



  3. #3

    RE: "Wild Bill"

    Hi John - Carrie here. We met on Sunday. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss - Bill, you and your family have been in my thoughts all week. Its impossible to try to make sense out of any of this and I realize that there are no words that can make things better. I do know that Bill was really happy on Saturday. As soon as I walked into the living room that morning he said "Carrie, every morning in this house we hug!" and proceeded to give me the biggest sweetest bear hug. He was so excited for the day and so happy to be with a large group of friends. I hope it helps a bit to know how happy he was.

    You are all in my prayers.

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