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Thread: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

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  1. #1

    Swiss Rob

    Sorry Mick.
    This is sad news. :-(
    Fly free Rob, thanks for the time we spent together.

  2. #2

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Oh no.

    I'm numb...

  3. #3

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    This is a very sad moment for me I knew Robert very good we just to play in a band together we graduate together in the same C-182 out of out Skydiving cource, we were the skyfreacks, every weekend on the DZ here in Venezuela.

    Man I going to miss you, cya soon and will be jumping and jaming againg, you are in de land of eternal Blues Skies miss ya.

  4. #4

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Sat...

    Yess my friend This is a bad an sad news, but we know that Robert is a good person the friend of all.
    I rebember the times we play together in the band, all the bnads we formed, only i have a good memories about him, just make me feel happy . Blueskies forever, and we miss you Robert, See you , and we will fly and play rock n roll forever. Keep in touch.....

  5. #5
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    I remember Rob...

    Insisting that we come out for "just one beer" that turned into three,


    Drunk at 2am, trying to convince me it would be a good idea to get up at 6 and drive to another country to jump an antenna,


    Trying to borrow a car to use as a get away vehicle for a building jump,


    Finishing his first jump course with a blown ACL, even though that meant landing his brand new gear in the water on every jump,


    Making fun of the inability of Americans to figure out Swiss cell phones,


    Welcoming an itinerant jumper into his home town.

    I will miss him.

    --Tom Aiello

  6. #6

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    My condolences to friends and family. What more can be said. . .



  7. #7

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Sat...

    I will never forget the wet, cold, shivering, but always smiling jumper from Switzerland I helped pull out of the river countless times one weekend last year. Rest in peace brother.

  8. #8
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Jun 1997
    Perigee Pro

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Sat...

    Another sad day.

    I first met Rob last May in Idaho. When I met him, it was late and dark...he was one of those "instantly likeable" type of guys. We all BS'd in a parking lot and then took it back to my hotel room where we all exchanged stories late into the night.

    I had noticed that Rob had been limping around in a serious way since I had first met him. When I asked him what had happened, he said in his cool accent, "Well, I took a bad landing on one of my first few jumps and I blew out my knee." Considering that he had saved money for months on end to fly to the US to take a FJC, one would think that he would be seriously bummed out. Not Rob. Sure he was bummed, but he wasn't going to let it stop him from having fun.

    Within a couple of days, he was hobbling to the exit point and taking it into the water. Even though he could barely walk, you would always find him with an infectious smile in the packing area, laying on his side just to pack up his rig.

    It was with great joy that I ran into Rob again last September in Zurich. Healthy as an ox, he still had that infectious smile and a real passion for BASE. Tom, Rob, Mick and I looked at a building in Swiss-land that Rob had been scoping for months...the rain and winds stopped us from getting it that go around...but many laughs and smiles were had over many, many beers.

    Almost everyone on this board has been exposed to death, and for many of us, we have been exposed many times over. It doesn't get any easier. To quote a team-mate and friend of mine, who's words are the raw truth, "death continues to suck".

    Rob, you will be sorely missed, but your infectious smile and your passion will never be forgotten.

    Fly free my friend,


  9. #9

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    I am looking for digital pictures of Robert before Jan 17th. If anyone has photos, prefereable in 300 DPI, please email them to me as I want the best quality photos I can get. And there is a 150Kb limit on uploading them to this forum.

    Your immediate help is greatly appreciated.

  10. #10
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Perigee Pro

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Mick --

    BASE 587 might have some good video in which some stills could be captured. I'll email you in a few minutes with his contact info. Conversely, he's obviously logged into your website quite often.

    Miss ya bro,


  11. #11

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Dark times it is ... my toughts goes to he's family and friends.

    Member Team Bautasten

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Thourgth go to his family and freinds.
    While i only mailed whit him once,i found out that he realy were freindly.
    Sad it is
    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

  13. #13

    RE: Drove Rob to SLC...

    I just got online and didn't realize what I was reading until I read Bryan's reply!!!:-(

    Last May when we were at the Perrine I also met Rob. We talked about Switzerland and joked about water landings! What a Great guy!

    As the trip wound up that summer weekend Rob and I spoke about him traveling back to Switzerland and needed a drive to SLC to catch his flight. I didn't think twice to give a guy a ride. Along the ride we spoke of many stories, he spoke of his sister, his mother and father(one lives in south america) and a friend in Texas that he might visit on the way home and he spoke of what he had learned while BASE jumping in the US!!!! His kind words of Marta, Jimmy and the gang in MOAB, Kind words of the jumpers at the Perrine helping him learn more about BASE and......

    He spoke of going back to Zurich getting healthy and jumping the cliffs near his home! We spoke of me and my family coming over to visit him in the coming years and....

    I am very sad this morning as I get ready to leave for work! This will be a hard day.. week.. year..:-(

    My thoughts go out to the family I only heard about and never met! May you know that Rob will live in the hearts of everyone he touched and with that spirit you can share the happyness that he was a free spirit and loved Life!!!

    Thank you Rob for what you brought to my life!!

    I will see you again Brother!! again we will jump together:-)

    C-ya at the exit, Tim

  14. #14

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Sat...

    Idaho, May 2002

  15. #15

    Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Full Article:

    Reposted from Hans. A family friend:
    Dear all,

    I hereby want to invite you in the name of Robert's
    family to celebrate his life in an open ceremony this
    Friday January 17th at 2.15 PM. The ceremony will be
    held at St. Antons church in Zürich. This is located
    in the Minerva street.

    I'm sure some of you can make it, Robert would have
    loved to have us all gathered with him.

    If you need further information don't hesitate to call
    me at (011) +41 (0)79 781 10 65

    Please forward this email to friends that might be
    interested to join us for this.

    a big hug to everyone,


    PS, a Bank is going to be set up soon to help cover the expenses.
    Bank details, etc, will be added very soon here.

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