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Thread: KickAss Perrine Party

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    KickAss Perrine Party

    Hey - just wanted to tell everyone what a f**kin' Fantastic time Labor day was at Twin Falls. Bert and Don supplied a huge feast on Sunday to feed all the jumpers. Everyone won something in the raffle - wdc got a hotel room, Pick got a gift certificate for dinner and I got a bad ass $65 yoyo and almost put my own eye out.

    Big Thanks to Bert, Don, Adam and all!! Great people, great weather, great jumps - can't wait to go back!

    On a side note for everyone who has gotten to know Bert and Don over the years - Berts wife had a heart attack over the weekend and had to be taken to Boise via Flight for Life. Send them good vibes and best wishes.


  2. #2

    RE: KickAss Perrine Party

    I agree, it was a GREAT time! I have great videos and great pics to remember it by! Is anyone organizing flowers or anything for Bert's wife?

  3. #3

    flowers in the hospital

    having been in the hospital myself, I realize how valuable flowers are, and they tell a person (not only Bert's wife, but BERT also) that there are people out there that care for them both. I have met Bert, and I am willing to send in $10 for a flowers fund. Mick, would you be willing to set something up on the board or in the blinc store where I can send my money to a "Flower's fund"?
    What if you set up a friend permanently, so that whenever a BASE jumper or friend of gets hurt, FLOWERS are sent. Let's take care of each other. I'll help you if you need help, but I may ask you for help, and hope you will help me when I need it. kinda like the golden rule:
    Treat people as you want to be treated.

    If you can set up a donation fund for flowers Mick, shoot my friend Tokemon an email at, and he will figure out a way for me to get the $10 sent. I bet he will agree with me, and probably send $10 himself. so, I guess $20 might buy some NICE flowers, even if there aren't any takers. but then comes the question, who buys the flowers, and who accesses the funds? I nominate Mick as Banker, and let's let someone else hassle with the ordering flowers thing. Mick is busy, and flower delivery may be hard to find, along with tracking down hospital name, city, room number....etc etc...
    Take care of me if I get hurt please!

  4. #4

    RE: KickAss Perrine Party

    Heard that Jimmy from Vertigo got smashed up pretty bad. Any details?

  5. #5

    why you want to know?

    post registered next time, and sign your name, and someone may respond privately. Are you one of the anonymous slammers that only like to start fights on this board? Details? what, so you can start blaming people, or telling everyone how you would have done it better? details?? if you needed to know, you would hear. or, if you had an open mind, and clear ears, the soft spoken details might be loud enough to hear.
    I think that if it hasn't made the scum-bag news (Pro Media), no reason to let them know anything happened. some more ammo for them to use in their crusade of selling papers through injuries and bad stories. Dirt sells, even gardner's know this. and the media USUALLY preys upon our injuries due to some idea like "Increased subscriptions"
    it is sick, but then again so is MOST of society.
    just another anonymous seppo :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*

  6. #6

    RE: ouch

    Yeah, he got all busted up. Send him beer and vicodin. Sorry Jimmy. :-(

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