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Thread: blown away

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    blown away

    while making our drive by across our local "B"
    i noticed a rather large fellow on top of the railing.,wearing a bright hippy ass tie die t-shirt. smack dead center.
    what has this world come to?:* ;-)

  2. #2

    RE: blown away

    The "B" constitutes a Building.
    Do you mean "S" for bridge (Span)?
    But yeah, what the ##### is up with these assholes.

  3. #3

    RE: blown away

    rumor has that it could be some outta towner whom was just visting, for um.... maybe someones wedding

  4. #4

    RE: blown away

    Find the hidden words:

    I think I BRUISEd my big toe when she told me to KRAMER deep inside with it. So I went to the JOHN to get a band-aid and yo, DA SILVA plated toilet seat was f-ing cold!

  5. #5

    RE: blown away

    well you are all correct it was me along with several others(whom i drug with me) that exited from the top off said a jumper who is not local to this site i feel it is my duty to keep local law enforcement aware of the fact that it is still being actively jumped.i travel to this part of the country a few times a year and always go from the rail. its just more fun that way!!! this is my 10 year base jumping aniversary and i felt that i needed to make a statement. this site is hot, has been hot, and will ALWAYS be hot.if you dont like too bad c-ya kramer

  6. #6
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: blown away

    Nice. Give me a call the next time you're in town.

    I still owe you a beer or three for getting me my BASE number.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #7

    RE: blown away

    which turned out to be a bitchin' two-way with jm.
    pretty sick!
    and kramer...... you lazy f****! your gonna have to push me out there in my wheel chair now,
    then atleast you would have to earn it!

  8. #8

    RE: blown away

    Hey Kramer you site burning bastard! I'm gonna sneak into your goddam mobil home you live in you worthless fuk and strangle yer ass!
    And as for you Huckleberry, I'm gonna come over there and kick you in your broken fibula and stomp on yer torn up ankles when you are sleeping!
    That goes for anyone else who thinks they can just waltz on over to Nor Cal and try and jump our THATS RIGHT! OUR objects! And if you do be warned! I'm gonna kill you! I'm not kidding! I'll kill you! Especially that nice big Green thing. Its mine! MINE! Stay away!

  9. #9

    RE: blown away

    you should really quit stroking your dead meat.
    better watch out for my stainless steel crutches they are custom fit for your bung hole.
    big words for someone has been chased off more than once!
    you should watch your mouth punk!
    i know who you are.
    kill whitey!.

  10. #10

    RE: blown away

    kramer is nothing but a big hairy, knuckle-draggin', buck-toothed, poop-eating, butt-munching bung hole. i also heard that he just got a sex change, so maybe he'll be hard to spot at bridge day. one way to tell is to look for the hairy, naked frolicker.....he's well known for his naked Yeti-like frolicking in the meadows of the Eiger. keep all small children away from this beast!!!! you've been warned! aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Perigee Pro

    Exclamation Re: blown away

    [QUOTE=guest;36515]kramer is nothing but a big hairy, knuckle-draggin', buck-toothed, poop-eating, butt-munching bung hole. i also heard that he just got a sex change, so maybe he'll be hard to spot at bridge day. one way to tell is to look for the hairy, naked frolicker.....he's well known for his naked Yeti-like frolicking in the meadows of the Eiger. keep all small children away from this beast!!!! you've been warned! aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    sorry, i just had to laugh at the past!!!

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