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Thread: PC Limit to DB

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  1. #1

    PC Limit to DB

    Has anybody got a rule-of-thumb for a cut off point not to use your PC any more, but instead to use a D-Bag, (Black Jack and Pin's) apart from common sense, for common sense is not the same to all. Maybe a more calculated approach?


  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Perigee Pro

    RE: PC Limit to DB

    Are you looking for a dividing line between freefall and d-bag, or static line and d-bag?


  3. #3

    RE: PC Limit to DB

    Between freefall and d-bag.

  4. #4
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Freefall Lower Limit

    To be safe? 300 feet. If you are featherweight madman with a thousand BASE jumps, and hundreds of low freefalls? Maybe 150 feet. For most of us? Somewhere in between.

    I don't think there is a hard and fast technical answer to your question. I could easily sit here and say "200 feet". However, that might not be the right answer for you.

    Every jumper and set of gear are different. Pitching technique varies widely. Wingloading effects inflation time, as does overall canopy size and canopy material.

    With my setup (Prism w/spectra loop, Blackjack 280 at .7 w/ZP foreskin, 48" BR PC w/no cap or vents) the technique I use (upward pitch, and a few other minor things), and my personal risk tolerance (quite high), I draw the line around 170 ft on most days.

    The best way to find your personal line is to do progressively lower freefalls and continue refining your technique until you reach your own personal limit. Then you can decide whether or not to push that limit. Just going out and freefalling 175 feet because some guy on the internet said he would do it is a bad, bad idea.

    --Tom Aiello

  5. #5

    RE: Freefall Lower Limit

    Or if it's your first BASE jump, you don't have any training and you purchased your gear from e-bay, then you can survive 138' (canopy deployment is optional):

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