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Thread: let's hear stories maybe

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: get the story straight coward


    Yes, I made the "Concerned" and "Good Advice " post. I was trying to accomplish two things.

    1) Give you a mild wake-up call.

    2) Give you some solid advice about working down to a 225ft freefall.

    It's obvious that you have blinders on and that you approach things with a cowboy-like attitude.

    It's kind of funny. In no way shape or form am I a BASE god or a "must have a progression method like USPA" type of guy. I was just trying to give you advice that may aid you in staying alive.

    You have every right in the world to jump with your own sense of style. Just don't ever expect another speck of advice when you need it and don't expect to jump with me or my friends. It's not because we're too good for you. It's because your too good to take sound advice and make good rationale decisions.

    Feel free to bash me all you want. I won't respond anymore since I know that it won't help you.

    And please, for the love of God...if you go in, please do it away from Twin Falls.

    The End

  2. #17

    RE: bouncing ain't so bad

    > rather than the doctor's saying, "He has 4
    >months left to live, and the cancer has spread
    >to his brain, from his lung, (with one already
    >having been removed) and as long as he carries
    >the oxygen bottle, he can breath.

    Might be a moot point anyway. Looks like the cancer has already spread to your brain...

  3. #18

    still won't sign em though, eh?

    sure, you made the posts. and you still won't even give a first name. COWARD! what, steve, rick, john, andy, mike? jeb, corrine (hope I spelled right), Tom (needs a black eye like me), or some others I met with when in TF?
    you obviously met me if you saw me jump. so get some balls and tell me who you are.
    privately if you are that worried:
    or if any others want to give me "good, solid advice", feel free.
    or hear some things I have seen. like......
    well, I've been flamed enough for awhile, for talking and letting pathetic, wimpy, anonymous cowards llisten. if you know me, I'll be happy to talk with you. no matter what has happened before, right Marty?
    I'm not a bad guy. I don't try to be. Just get to know me before passing judgement. and if you just want to pass judgement without knowledge, I'd be glad never to meet you.
    smoky smoky smoky.....
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  4. #19

    RE: still won't sign em though, eh?


    what's your problem?

    the name's Chris. I've never met you. I've never been to TF or the greenie. i'm stuck far from those areas.

    don't take yourself so seriously. relax and smoke...

  5. #20

    RE: bouncing ain't so bad

    > I am in no rush to die, but if it happens, SO BE IT!

    Exactly what I used to think. I used to think I'd never want to settle down and I'd just go as hard as possible and if I died jumping then not a problem. Now however I've got different ideas, I've met someone I want to share my life with, looking to have kids, enjoying other experiences and if I'd have bounced through lack of judgement I'd have never ended up where I am right now having experiences that are way more important to me than BASE jumping ever was. BASE is a fantastic sport and some of the best times in my life have been had out jumping but there's more out there, don't be in a rush to kill yourself. Take or leave any advice you want.


  6. #21

    RE: still won't sign em though, eh?

    is it true that tokemon is the guy who bolted that crap to greenie? i heard it through the grapevine....

  7. #22


    nope, tiz a nasty, incorrect rumor.
    a: I don't mess with exit points.
    b: I've never been to nor cal
    c: I have been TRAINED not to do something disrespectful to a site like that in my FJC. and yes, I did take one. just not from CR or BR.
    Peace out,
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  8. #23

    RE: nope

    > b: I've never been to nor cal

    Good! Be sure and keep it that way. We don't need people like you around here...

  9. #24

    RE: still won't sign em though, eh?

    > well, I've been flamed enough for awhile, for
    >talking and letting pathetic, wimpy, anonymous
    >cowards llisten.

    This guy cracks me up! Dude, sounds to me that those so-called anonymous cowards are pretty experienced and are trying to tell you something.

    Are you too stupid to see this? Sounds like your the real coward and definitely a ##### idiot!

    Nick, I hate to say it, but you may want to get a jump-start and go ahead and add this guy to the list. Sounds like he's well on his way!


    Mr. Doe

  10. #25

    can I request a number???

    yo, if I could, I would requset either #69 or #420. Either early in life, or later on after others have passed.
    I'm glad I crack you up dude! good someone has some laughs. at least you can laugh about it,
    I hope it too be. Nick, put me on the list as number xxx. I have no need to rush getting on the "list". CANCER or BASE. might as well put me on one. I'm still figuring out how to word my will. somone gets my BASE gear, someone gets my computer, and someone get's the rest.
    what's the SKYDIVER term? blue skies, black death? i prefer "Low fog = Low pullls." but, I am dead in your mind, soft cock. don't be tossing old mossy in front of me.
    yeah. everyone that saw me spin into the snake, or swoop it(yes, tailwind helps) , or heard about it. Great, that puts me as LOW guy on the load. sure, Brian may catch me before the ground, but I'll be clear for deployment. maybe not clear-headed. heh heh heh heh
    Don't TOW IN! it's a sh1tty way to go. and rather questionable. Bromo's was understood easy. HE PULLED TOO LOW!!!!
    Peace out,
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  11. #26

    RE: can I request a number???

    You want a story?
    Here's one, or at least the start;
    Once upon a time there was a little di(khead BASE jumper who called himself "Tokemon". After puffing some weed one day, he got punched in the eye.

    Once upon a time, a jackal escaped from the zoo. It ran off and got fu(ked by a pervert NPS ranger. Eventually the jackal squirted out an ugly little girl jackal, and named her ugly little brat Robin Hyde.

  12. #27

    your a coward too!

    OK, so you are a COWARD also who won't sign his/her posts. at least take credit for your opinion.
    My name is Thomas, form WI, and my opinion is that I WILL not bounce tonight. I am drinking, and yet to do my pack job, but if you hear anything else from me, that means #89 went well, and didn't end me up on a list. yes, I am arrogant, and I will continue to be so until I am wrong (dead), so I continue to ramble my blabber.
    I'm jumping to celebrate INDEPENDENCE day. are you?
    smoke, drink, and have fun!
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    p.s. I'll tell you doubters if I live or not tonight. tiz a shake of the dice, and maybe a shake to mix my captain and cokes..........
    I am sad that whiny, USPA jumpers have started to BASE jump. I will tolerate, and even welcome them though, as uncool as they think I am, I will still smile and say hello.
    you anonymous cowards, realize you would have to have some balls to punch me in the face, and know where to find me...............
    just look up....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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