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Thread: let's hear stories maybe

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  1. #1

    let's hear stories maybe

    damn, stop all the bitchin' and just tell stories like the good old BASE board was.
    enough said....
    my last jump, I had loose velcro. so, I jumped, and had a line twist which WILL stop a slider from completely coming down the lines. after I kicked out of twists, I had an open canopy, and landed fine. I used to pack fast. I still WILL pack in 10 minutes, when the situation is appropriate (slider up jumps), but my last pack job has taken me 3+ hours and I still have not jumped it yet. I will repack once more when I hook on a new pilot chute, and give everything the twice over look before slamming it into the container.
    now, as long as I can pull by the third light, I should be open at the second light, with plenty of time to land from 1200 feet high exit point.
    winds.......pppffffffff. what are the winds at the bottom? oh, 10-15 mph??? OK, no worries mate, not 'bout little 30-40 mph gust up top at 1200 foot. as long as lower winds are good, I plan to be humming at the ground faster than the wind kicks past me.
    pack fast when you can, but pack GOOD to save your life!
    Peace out,
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  2. #2

    Voice of Experience


    Is this the same Thomas that spun in recently with a slider-up line-over at the Perrine?

    And now you had line twists above the slider?

    Loose velcro?

    10 minute pack jobs?

    Slamming it into the container?

    Sorry bro, but you don't sound cool. You sound stupid. This is not the drop zone where you "slam" out a pack job and hop on the plane. This is not a sport where you flick in high winds and just hope that they are fine at your opening altitude.

    Not only is it stupid, you WILL be a statistic!

    Here's some sound advice:

    You mentioned that "fast" pack jobs are ok when packing slider-up. Or wait, was that slammed together pack jobs? Oh, it doesn't matter which...

    Slider-up pack jobs are far more critical than slider down/off. Sliders add huge complications to the malfunction equation. If you ever had the urge to throw together a pack-job, slider down should be the choice NOT slider-up. But hey, is a slammed together pack job really necessary in this not-so-forgiving sport?

    AND, when you start jumping other sites than the Perrine, you'll find them to be FAR less forgiving. Try taking that crap to Moab for a season or two and I doubt you'll survive.

    Realize that I'm not trying to attack you here. I would rather see you slow down, think about what your doing, and savor that feeling when your standing on the edge. I speak with 512 jumps/7 active years/and 82 objects with zero injuries or malfunctions. I'm not exempt. But I'm trying my best to avoid it.

    Calculate your approach with care, and you'll greatly reduce your chances of slamming into the earth.

    Best Wishes...

  3. #3

    get the story straight coward

    let me guess. you are a colorado jumper no?
    yes, this is the same Thomas that had a spinning canopy that landed me into the river. Now that I look back upon it, I was spinning to the right, and if I would have given some left hand brake input, I might have stopped the spin. It was not a line over. It was a C and D line wrapped around the brakes. a line under if you will. I have theories on how this got packed in, but I don't care to tell you about them.
    and the line twists were below the slider. If you consider it, line twists above the slider should clear themselves, and not stop a slider on it way down (remember, you thought the twists were above?) so, in less the twists above a slider were knotted, I would envision a canopy opening. my twists were below the slider. and line twists MAY be caused by taking a 48" ZP to 3 sec. talk about a lot of snatch! and center cell stripping. but I tried something for that, on one or two jumps. something I had seen about someone else using, and I made my own decision it was acceptable in my mind also.
    blah blah blah, am I still talking?
    yeah, Mr. Concerned, this is that same Thomas. I'm glad you remember me, for I don't remember you. Of course, you didn't sign your name to your post, being a coward and all.
    and I'll start scratching this sore. I would MUCH rather jump way loose velcro off the perrine, than crappy old gear that might have a 6 foot bridle. "Dude, we saw you walking out on the bridge with the canopy half out" blah blah blah
    well, I was half done with deployment. I would rather spin in anyday, than tow in. I may pack faster than you feel is safe, but I use PROPER BASE SPECIFIC gear, modern vented canopy, and a proper sized PC.
    And yes, for everyone who saw me at the Perrine, I have replaced the velcro with new stuff. hook and pile. it stays shut nice. which brings another concern of mine:
    BRAND NEW velcro on LOW freefalls sounds pretty wicked to me. any thoughts DW, or Tom? prime the velcro, velcro a napkin halfway in it? other tricks? talking a 225 foot freefall, so no BIG worries, but still needs to happen quick.

    Peace out,
    Thomas:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    "Awwwww, cannot get your ship. Look at me. You think size matters. Only in your mind size matters."----Master Yoda

  4. #4

    RE: get the story straight coward

    Go get em tiger......lets get this over soon, just hurry up and go in. Maybe your 225 footer will be a good one, at least it won't be at TF (hopefully) I personally don't give a ##### about you've been warned by lots of people, and that is all anyone can expect.

    Just do me a favor.....WHEN you bounce don't make me watch, and do it somewhere far far away from perrine. Otherwise hell have fun!

    If you're really trying to kill yourself (which it sounds like you are) there are far better ways...##### let me know and I'll help. I'll FedEx you a short legnth of rope, pills, or maybe handgun. I'm here to help. Remember we're all behind you!

  5. #5
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: get the story straight coward

    >BRAND NEW velcro on LOW freefalls sounds
    >pretty wicked to me. any thoughts DW, or Tom?
    >prime the velcro, velcro a napkin halfway in it?
    > other tricks? talking a 225 foot freefall, so
    >no BIG worries, but still needs to happen quick.

    Definitely prime the velcro. Pack normally, then peel it off just before exit, then replace it lightly. You'll need someone to stand behind you at exit (to make sure it doesn't pop off as you stand up--or at least to yell "Jump Now!" when it does).

    I've never tried the napkin trick, although I've heard it talked about. I have no real opinion on it.

    You should also try to static line the 225 footer before freefalling it. If you are exiting downwind, be aware that the tailwind will SIGNIFICANTLY SLOW your opening.

    Also, be aware that 225 feet is a good altitude to have a careful pack job.

    --Tom Aiello

  6. #6

    RE: get the story straight coward

    > It was not a line over. It was a C and D line
    >wrapped around the brakes. a line under if you
    >will. I have theories on how this got packed
    >in, but I don't care to tell you about them.

    Thomas, whether it's a line under or line over, it's still not a good situation. Given that you do 10 minute pack jobs slider-up (and brag about them), it is most likely the cause. I am not a Colorado jumper, and I have not posted above, but I can say that I have seen several of your slider-up deployments and they were some of the scariest that I have ever seen. All sorts of things out-of-sequence. I'm just trying to wake you up so you might change your ways. Your methods are borderline at best and they will reach up and smite you if you do not change.

    >line twists MAY be caused by taking a 48" ZP to
    >3 sec. talk about a lot of snatch! and
    >center cell stripping.

    Why would you do this? We have already established hese standards within the BASE community. Please learn from other's misfortunes and don't try to reinvent them yourself.

    > I would MUCH rather jump way loose velcro off
    > the perrine, than crappy old gear that might have > a 6 foot bridle. "Dude, we saw you walking out on
    > the bridge with the canopy half out" blah blah
    > blah well, I was half done with deployment. I
    > would rather spin in anyday, than tow in. I may
    > pack faster than you feel is safe, but I use
    > PROPER BASE SPECIFIC gear, modern vented
    > canopy

    Why not jump modern BASE gear CONFIGURED AND PACKED PROPERLY?

    > talking a 225 foot freefall, so
    > no BIG worries, but still needs to happen quick.

    I will give you some sound advice on very low freefalls. And yes, 225ft is low.

    One must become very proficient in the 350 to 450ft slider down range first. Once you feel that you have mastered your packing, body position (highly critical), and response time on opening, then you should begin on 280 - 300ft freefalls.

    While doing this, you should do as many static-line/PCA jumps from 180 - 225ft as possible. 225ft is a very safe altitude for PCAs/static line and it enable you to become much more comfortable exiting at these altitudes.

    After you have slowly progressed your way down, you should be ready for that 225ft freefall when the conditions are right.

    Yes, new velcro can have a huge impact on freefals that low. I do exactly as Tom mentioned when I freefall with velcro from those altitudes. Prime and have someone to watch over my gear if it is feasible.

    We have begun to go lower and lower in this sport, but be aware of one fact:

    When freefalling 200ft and below, everything must go right. Off headings at this altitude is a very, very serious problem. More often than not, you better be prepared to land on the object at the base because yo uwill not have time to get out of it. Other problems such as PC hesitations, tangled lines, etc will most likely result in serious injury or death.

    This is my two cents. Good, solid advice that I hope you'll take. It's up to you.

  7. #7

    RE: get the story straight coward

    well, if you are who posted under "concerned" you are still a coward.
    some of the slider up deployments I had scared you?? yep, refer to above, COWARD.
    out of sequence deployments????
    no I smoked before the lighter got wet and wrecked my cigarettes. it ain't easy tryin' to dry camels out on the beach.
    why would I take a 48" zp to 3 sec???
    cause it's all I had, and I wanted to go 4, but not with that pilot chute. GROUNDRUSH!
    my 42" got ripped off MID-TRIP, but that's a whole nother story.
    what else....
    you sound like my Pussie skydive instructors with your numbers and bullsh1t. you should do xx amount of this range delay, then xx amount of this, then xx amount of this, then we'll clear you for big stuff.
    go back to uspa you little whiner. BASE jumping is not for sheep. you are a sheep, that lives by guidelines and rules OTHER people set. I live by my own rules.
    Why would I take a 48" zp to 3 sec?? cause I sure won't take one to 4 seconds....huh huh huh

    did my 10 minute pack jobs open? scary as they were....did I tow in??? NO!!! I do jump BASE gear.
    jacka33!!! you will not make this putt Happy.

    Peace out,
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  8. #8




  9. #9

    The 47th Floor

    I thought this thread was going to tell Tall Stories and no Bitching by Crybabies ? Here is a very short storie: Last July 4th I was atop a 160' shipping channel, as I was climbing the rail a little elder lady walks up and hands me a small American Flag, I thanked her, she kisses me, I do a floater exit with pilot chute in left hand and the American flag in the other, great eye contact, only a second canopy time !

  10. #10

    RE: get the story straight coward

    Dude, you need to find a new object. There is an obvious difference in this sport between BRIDGE jumpers and BASE jumpers. It's clear which one you are.

  11. #11

    RE: get the story straight coward

    I'm not anonymous here and I have no problem saying that although I don't know you I reckon you sound like a right #####. Rest assured, if you continue to think like you do, you will bounce. I used to think I'd never get hurt but I now have the scars and metalwork to show that I was wrong.


  12. #12

    RE: get the story straight coward

    i'm gonna join the crowd:

    bit(h, bit(h, moan, moan...

  13. #13

    bouncing ain't so bad

    yep, I hope you're right. I will bounce SOMEDAY. sickly, that is actually my preffered method of death. I smoke cigarettes which KILL me slowly, causing cancer and lung disease and blah blah blah, and my friends may have to watch me go through CHEMOTHERAPY, and REHAB, and medical jargon. yes, we will all die someday. I am in no rush to die, but if it happens, SO BE IT! I would rather my friends call up my parents and say:
    "Something went wrong. Your son is dead now." we don't know yet what, but we're inspecting."
    rather than the doctor's saying, "He has 4 months left to live, and the cancer has spread to his brain, from his lung, (with one already having been removed) and as long as he carries the oxygen bottle, he can breath. Fu(k that. I want it quick and easy. and maybe even FUN!!!!
    everyone dies, I might as well die doing something I love doing. if I'm 75 years old, (thousands of BASE jumps later) and still living, I would LOVE TO DIE of a heart attack during SEX!
    Thomas.. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  14. #14

    Snapped Backs nurses wiping ur ass

    Dude I met you in TF and then I thought you were a little excitable and perhaps a touch unhinged...... but nothing too outrageous - just some guy having fun his way! - but now reading your posts mate - you are way unhinged and kinda scarey............ did the words you were given by a certain experienced individual not sink in? obviously not........... I am very new to this sport and I hope I dont have to meet many jumpers with your attitude - you go against the grain of my personal ethos. Dude chill out a bit - you aint making friends are you? Do you wanna go the rest of your (short) life jumping solo? Cause I dont see many people willing to get on your load..........


  15. #15


    Be careful out there Thomas, I too have the scars and metal from jumping and it is not much fun hanging out in a hospital. Don’t want to see you or your family have that kind of experience.


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