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Thread: Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

    This question is for Olin Gardner. Do you want to give us your side of this ? Some people have heard about it and dont appreciate this type of legalees just to make a buck or two at our expense.

    It seems that in this sport, your either with us or against us. And from the beginning you seem to be working against us under the cloak of goodwill and competition.

    Don't think that loyalty and friendship can be purchased by the lowest price. As stated in previous posts B&D have been there for us. You can bet the bottom dollar price that most of us will stand by our good friends B&D. Hassling our friends isnt gonna bring you more business in my opinion, but what do I know.


  2. #2

    RE: Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

    B&D? You mean "Bondage & Domination?"

  3. #3

    RE: Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

    That would be "Bondage & Discipline", thank you very much...Plz, let's try to keep our little pleasures' names' correct...:+

  4. #4

    RE: Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

    I have no idea what you are talking about? Please see my posting on the orginal topic. You folks are a different breed for sure. As a old idaho boy born and raied in this area, i am not so sure now what to think of you folks!

    ps.. wish someone would clue us in on what all this is about?

  5. #5

    RE: Legal hassling JTS against B&D?

    Dude, BASE jumpersa are total assholes, you are better off without us.

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