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Thread: Jump the Snake .com

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    Apparently you know no spelling :-)

  2. #17

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    hypocrite: I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    How old are you? Have you reached the age of majority?

    Your small-town mentality makes me smile. I recognize it from my home town, pop. 1100, although TF seems a bit large to harbor that kind of fear/prejudice towards "outsiders". Fear not, for there aren't enough of us to deflower all of your women.

  3. #18

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    Not All BASE Jumpers are assholes, you may be one,but around our neck of the woods the majority of our group are kind and Coutesy.

  4. #19

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    Hey Surber, whats up your ass anyhow??? You doing beerty and don on the side. You must be a total #####. I know both parties pretty good. Old don and bert are not only liars, there company does not even come close to comparing w/ the gardners.
    Try cking out your suposed facts before opening your dumb ass mouth. Don't be surprised if you base turds get the boot off the bridge soon. It cause of people like you that base gets a bad rap.
    jts has been on the river as igs since the 70's, so they wanted to offer a service that would give the bases a choice, guess #####'s like you did not want to see any competition from a legit outfit. Not only that you had to get very personal on your attack. Do you know any of the jts/igs staff or owners personally, or are you just listening/beliving the bs that bertty and donny have been spewing ever since the other guys have been kicking ther ass for the last 10 years. Bert and Don are not nice guys regardless of what Olin says(he is the nice guy, that would not say any thing negative about those punks). Bert & Don are wannabe outfitters that are in the transportation business (they have 2 employees, themselves) not outfitting, hauling you loud mouths back down river cause your to lazy to walk. The other guys, igs/jts are adventure outfitters with at least a crew of 10 plus, not counting the owners/outfitters that run on over 400 miles of the Snake & Salmon Rivers. So who is building something orginial? B&D have no brochures, no busines phone , no presense on a regional basis and most importantly no class, guess that is why your there friend? Speaking of odious posturing, why don't you just bend over and let B&D take you in the ass. Love & kises

  5. #20

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    Hell, the Necks in our woods are kinda cutesy, too.:D

  6. #21

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    Surber..........I agree with baseboy. You were way out of line. You should have the nuts/guts to confront jts in person if you feel that strong and if you have the right facts to support your accusations. Besides I thought the jumpthesnake marketing was very orginial & the brochures were neat! No one else has ever thought of doing that for us jumpers. Do you have some other business ties to B&D that we don't know of? You should call the people from jumpthesnake like I DID. They are very nice people and very respectful of the base community and our sport. They are also confused as to why all the controversy & hard feelings about them. After I personal review of the issues and talking with basejumpers and some knowlegable contacts in Twin Falls, I think that B&D and some of there uninformed supporters like YOU are the ones spreading the misinformaion and lies about jts/ and the gardners. I for one am going to start riding with jts and hope others might join me.
    We need all the support we can get in Twin Falls and jumpthesnake is a supporter of basejumping.
    signed......thinks surber is full of bull

  7. #22

    RE: Jump the Snake .com

    You idiots, you forget that this thread was started by Olin. He was whining about lack of business. If he wants business, he better get down to the river. Olin also wrote that his ad was coming off BLiNC, and he's no longer interested in jumpers.
    "Neat" brochures? Who gives a fu(k about brochures? Where's the boat?
    Hey Olin, if you read this, I'll give you $100 to punch Thomas!

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