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Thread: Tom Aiello

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Tom Aiello

    When I was at the Perrine recently, someone was talking about Tom's latest injury. I don't know if it was supposed to be a secret, but it's not a secret anyway. Something about a too long delay slider up off a cliff in USA. Seems Tom is once again seriously all busted up. (Broken back, again, broken leg, again, internal injuries, again). Tom, when are you going to learn? That is your third low pull near death experience! Are you in a hurry to make "The List"? I hope that you recover from this accident, please change your ways before it kills you. Will you even be able to jump again? Sure, you have a pile of jumps, and are very opinionated on the Board, but who should take advice from such a reckless individual. Don't do what Tom does, it will get you hurt.

  2. #2

    RE: Tom Aiello

    This is very bad news. I hope this just turns out to be BASE Board Bull$hit.

  3. #3

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Oh, go stick a porcupine up your butt. Who are you, oh dear anonymous, to pass such judgment one way or another?

    I'm tired of mystery people who (in all likelihood) have next to zero real experience in BASE slagging experienced jumpers on technical or safety issues. It is like having Oprah critique object etiquette - worse than pointless. Or, worse yet, me giving aerials advice.

    Sign your posts and state your experience, or keep your vitriol to yourself.


  4. #4
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Tom Aiello

    >Broken back, broken leg, internal injuries

    This is a fairly inaccurate overstatement of the damage. Hearsay appears to have exaggerated.

    >Don't do what Tom does, it will get you hurt.

    I couldn't agree more. Do what YOU do. Let Tom do what he does. I personally think that the stuff Tom does is nuts, but for some reason he's drawn to do it. Go figure.

    --Tom Aiello

  5. #5

    RE: Tom Aiello

    I have a porcupine up my butt, I like it. Who am I, I am me. Since this is a public forum, I have every right in the world to express my opinion, and anonymously if I choose. If you are tired of mystery people, dog, then why don't you ##### off and don't read it. In fact, I have a decade more BASE experience then either you or that idiot, and hundreds of BASE jumps. Tom is a ##### idiot.

  6. #6

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Nice to see you didn't break your typing finger Tom.

    Hope you're in good shape.


  7. #7

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Hey Tom, sorry to hear you got hurt. Get well, get up, get off.

  8. #8

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Yeah, whatever. . . you've been jumping for a decade and have hundreds of jumps. I believe you, really I do. . . your anonymity really adds to your credibility.

    Yes, you have every right to post anonymously. And I have every right to point out that you thus show yourself to be a complete idiot when criticizing others who do have the cojones and respect to post under their own name.

    I'll believe you are anything but a sofa-surfing wannabee when you show evidence of same.


  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    BR Vertex 2 / Reactor 3

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Hey Tom,
    Sorry to hear bad news about you...
    Get well soon!
    Mucho BASE!
    V. #1075

  10. #10

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Hope you're feeling better and for a quick recovery. Do you mind sharing what happened? We can learn from mistakes you know. -Chris

  11. #11

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Hello Tom,
    I am sorry to hear about your latest injury.
    I hope it's not severe and I wish you to recover as soon and as healthy as possible!!!!!!
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D
    Stay Safe Out There
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Sorry to hear.
    heal fast!!!
    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

  13. #13

    RE: Tom Aiello

    Glad to see your post Tom.......
    Hope you heal quickly.

    Thanks for sending that tape.....I.O.U

    Anyone want to pitch in to get "concerned" neutered ???
    We can not just sit by and let that yo-yo reproduce...
    My vet will do it for cheap.

    Blue skies-

  14. #14


    three to four wraps of a tailgate band tightly around the ballsack should do the trick. YMMV

  15. #15

    cost-effective emasculation service

    Ah, shucks, I'll do it for free - with my teeth.


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