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Thread: 18,5m BASE-water impact

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  1. #16
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: 18,5m BASE-water impact

    >I don't know how much faster/slower a skydiving
    >canopy would pressurize. Since there's no time
    >for turns or corrections anyway, would a
    >super-light ZP skydiving canopy be a good option
    >for this jump? Is there a NEED for a BASE
    >specific canopy in this situation is what I'm

    I think that an all ZP canopy would have pressurization problems, as the bottom skin would also inhibit airflow (into the canopy). Also BASE canopies are engineered for faster inflation.

    If I were looking for a cheap, fast opening canopy for senseless Magyar-style extreme water BASE, I'd probably find an old CRW canopy and cut Vtec style vents into it. If you could get a ZP topskin, so much the better.

    If you're just looking for the fastest opening, then probably something like a Vtec FOX 180 (what's the actual size number down there?) with a ZP topskin would probably be best. But who wants to spend the $1500 that would cost just for a special purpose canopy?

    --Tom Aiello

  2. #17
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    Perigee Pro

    RE: 18,5m BASE-water impact

    >But who
    >wants to spend the $1500 that would cost just
    >for a special purpose canopy?

    Working on it. I've got a lot of research left to do, and lots of experience to be gained. But when the time comes, if all the other parameters fall into place, I don't mind spending a bit of money on the right canopy for the job.


  3. #18

    RE: 18,5m BASE-water impact

    I agree. If we......they can design a canopy with the fastest pressurization possible, it would add a degree of safety to the really low ones.

    How many jumpers out there do most of their jumps in the sub-200 foot range?

    How many rigs does the average jumper own? (I have three and I am just a baby BASE jumper)

    If you think about it, you forked out the $1500 for a specialized canopy everytime you bought a BASE specific rig. But what the hell, none of my canopies even have multi's or Vtec.....

    Stay safe out there!!! ---Dex

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