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Thread: Skypunk

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #31

    RE: Skypunk

    Dear crash
    sorry to hear about lee ,we jumped with him 2 weeks before the accident same site had a great time it was one of my best jumps .
    we talked about the x-plex.Hope you and the other jumper are doing ok.

    claus gabi 4 auge hannes

  2. #32

    RE: Skypunk

    As Lee would say "Viva-la-X-Plex"

    I'm doing fine, call the DZ if u wanna chat.


  3. #33

    RE: Skypunk

    Right on adam. the video was going to tell them who you were anyway! When things #### up it's time to suck it up and face the music.

  4. #34

    RE: Smokin' HOT

    well said dirtbag...wake up 'smokin Hot', if your dumb ass had touched the gear of a bounced collegue, letalone taken the gear and run, you will put your stupid ass in line for a murder investigation. THINK before you post !!!

  5. #35

    RE: Smokin' HOT

    THINK before I post? Screw you bitch! The a-holes should not have left the scene in the first place. And if the instructions were to "bail with the gear", then they totally blue it! The chicken ##### cowards were in such a hurry to leave, they did not get the gear. They left the video behind, now brother Lee's dying flick is a public spectacle. Murder investigation? Get a fuckin' grip pal. My stupid ass would have removed the video, and stayed with my fallen brother. So you just get a big fat ##### you from me.

  6. #36
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Come on, guys.

    Aero, Smokin' HOT:

    I think we're all too close to this incident to have a constructive discussion about it. What's done is done.

    The only really productive discussion we can have is about what to do NEXT time. And we can't have that discussion until we all get a little more distance from our friend's death.

    Could we please drop this finger-pointing shouting match for now? It's unworthy to sully Lee's death this way.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #37

    RE: Come on, guys.

    You're right Tom. No worries.

    Respect ./

  8. #38

    RE: respect

    Okay, me too, sorry guys.
    Lee will be missed, respect is due.










    Hay, dIRTBAG, fu(k Robin Heid!

  9. #39

    RE: Skypunk

    I'll keep this short. Lee touched the hearts of everyone he met and always had a smile on his face. I was shocked to see him in the paper with a blond mohawk since the last time I talked to him he had long black hair. He was the best and will never be forgotton. Love ya Lee!!
    -an old friend from Cincy.

  10. #40

    RE: Skypunk

    The fact you would leave a friend dead/dying and not attempt to revive him speaks volumes about the type of people you are. If you were there and left him lying there, YOU make me sick.

    As for the legal ramifications of him dying and you being present, that excuseis bullsh*t too. Was anyone else charged when your girl went in on El Captain(sp?) a few years ago? NO!!! They didn't! So don't try to use that weak a$$ excuse for your gutlessness.

    I understand the adreneline rush of BASE and skydiving. I also understand human life/friendship is worth more than answering a few questions about what took place, from the police. What you are doing is illegal. Accept that. Don't blame the police for doing their job when they catch you. You aren't victims of the system. You are criminals. Take what you have coming and deal with it. Quit whining about your rights to do whatever YOU want.

    If YOU left him in that field, you deserve the same fate. You don't know if he came back around because YOU left him. YOU are despicable and deserve to experience what YOU allowed him to experience. I hope YOU sleep well at night. I hope you are proud of running like cowards and leaving your friend behind.

    I hope YOU never jump at a drop zone I'm at. If so, I believe I'll find another place to jump.

    While I don't believe you should be charged criminally, I hope you suffer nightmares of that day. I hope you question forever, whether you SHOULD have done more.

    Thanks for helping further the BASE cause!!!

  11. #41

    RE: Skypunk

    Can I get a DUI if I was drunk on a BASE jump?

  12. #42

    her name was......

    it was not some "girl" that went in off el cap. It wan JAN DAVIS. in dying, a member of project mayhem has a name. I understand. his name is Robert Paulson. His name is robert paulson. his name, is robert paulson.
    irregardless of lee's death, I think he was super happy until he figured out something was wrong, with which he had maybe 1-3 seconds to think..
    " Oh sh1t!!!! here it comes......."
    my preffered way, as opposed to CANCER, or DRUNK DRIVING accidents.
    life is only temporary. tiz not ours to take or give. only to do with what we please.
    and yes, I hope my friends are "FRIENDS" enough to leave my dead a33 at the site, and TAKE MY GEAR. once you figure out the problem, '''someone's got a new rig to jump.
    let's talk about a will. do all that participate in BASE have a will? I don't yet, but I plan on getting one. that way, I can word it that any coward, or anonymous prick from colorado does not GET MY rig! my buddy in xxx gets my rig, and will be sad I am dead, and come to the funeral, but also be happy in a way to get a rig.
    death happens. DEAL WITH IT!!!! if you are unwilling to accept it/play with it, DON"T BASE JUMP.
    read your labels and warnings. THIS SPORT IS INHERENTLY DANGEROUS. EVEN A PROPERLY MANUFACTERED, ASSEMBLED, AND PACKED rig can and will malfunction.
    jump under those conditions, or be stupid and ignore the reality.
    DEATH HAPPENS> HAPPY trails LEE. though I never met you, I wish you well in the afterlife....
    Peace out,
    Thomas :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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