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Thread: Moab, Memorial Day Weekend

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Moab, Memorial Day Weekend

    What are the best places to stay in Moab over Memorial Day? Is Vertigo organizing any kind of boogie over the weekend? Anything special I should plan on bringing other than the obvious (base rig, 46" PC, hiking boots, PPE, etc)? Where do most people pack? Where do most people recreate in the evening? And finally, who all is going to be there that weekend?

    Thanks for the info,


    P.S. I love the prospect of getting my 'E' with all my body (including my pee pee).

  2. #2

    RE: Moab, Memorial Day Weekend

    Hey Man I'm heading out there this Sat. for week of Base and Mountain biking. Drop me a line at Dabomb3@mindspring .com and after the 11th and I'd be happy to help with the info.:D

  3. #3

    RE: Moab, Memorial Day Weekend

    If you're not in a big hurry to make a sh@t load of jumps, I like going to any one of the parks in town. It has to be the best grass in the world to take off your shoes & pack!

    Have fun & be safe.


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