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Thread: Accident.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1


    Unfortunately, when your rig gets into the hands of an unexperienced jumper, bad things can happen.

    So I left one of my rigs on the floor next to our pool table. I walked out of the room and thought to myself, "I should put that away" But my lazy ass just walked out and went to work.

    I came home and saw the aftermath of what occured in my absence. There was my rig on the middle of the floor, canopy extracted, lines partially extracted, and nobody around.

    After a thorough inspection, all components of the rig had been assembled properly and the PC was correctly sized for a slider-off configuration. A closer inspection of the PC itself revealed several small tears randomly spaced around the top skin of the PC.

    Apparently, my girlfriends dog had attempted a record low freefall from the pool table. His teeth became entangled in the pilot chute when he panicked seeing how low a jump he was commited to. By the time he was able to successfully deploy the PC most of his altitude had been used, resulting in impact before line stretch.

    He is fine, and expected to make a full recovery. He said from now on, all jumps from that low will be PCA or Static-line.

    Stay safe out there! ---Dex

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Rocket Jr.?

    Clearly a candidate to accede to the currently vacant position of Doggy BASE World Champion.

    Since the tragic demise of Rocket the Wonder Dog (at the time only one object short of completing BASE), former Doggy BASE World Champion, there has been only one other attempt at reaching Doggy BASE.

    While valiant, that contender, Andre the Dog (Dog Span Gainer Tandem #1), was unable to continue the necessary training due to family commitments.

    Perhaps your girlfriend's dog will be the first to achieve Canine BASE. CBASE numbers are available from the Little Aussie, c/o "Harden Up, Tiger!" BASE Training School, Portland, Oregon, USA.

    Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during the creation of the post.

  3. #3

    RE: Rocket Jr.?


    I think your suggestion that the dog simply complete some base training and go jump is irresponsible and dangerous.

    The animal really should get a couple hundred skydives under its belt (nipples?). At least fifty or so if these should be CRW.

    Then, and only then, if it still wants to take up base, then I say fine.:D

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Accident.

    LOL!!!:7 :7

  5. #5

    RE: Rocket Jr.?

    A funny quote from rockets bridge jump .

    From a tall and now funny walking aussie jumper.

    " i have only been back in Oz for 2 days and and DW's got me d-Baging a dog from a bridge and freefalling under 180ft"

    bsbd feral :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

  6. #6

    RE: Accident.

    Dear Mr. Dexter,

    Your dated submission report has recently been linked to an ocurrence in a Midwest State.

    The owner of a piece of equiptment, that is used in a sport at which you allegedly participate, has reported his canine activities have also increased. The defendant is a twenty one pound pug that is accused of having relations with the owner's "rig." The session was described by bystanders and passer-by's as being "very quick and beastial." Atop of being overwealmed with disgust, the owner was left with a cleaning situation that was less than desireable. The defendant, Steve, could not be reached for interview.

    Please forward all further information developing in your case directly to this office.

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