scoped an antenna with an elevator last night. Had a black extension cord going from an outlet on the structure, over the accordion slide door and into the elevator. Anyone know what that cord is for? Do elevators operate off their own battery such that the power cord was recharging or maintaining charge on the battery or is it there for another reason? Also, there didnt appear to be a lock or keyhole on the console; it had a push button up, stop, down button, and a turn knob which i assume is on/off then had a large silver handle which opens a small panel. I just glanced at the elevator because this was a perimeter test and survey mission only (the antenna is 1800 ft, has cameras, barbed wire wrapped with razor wire, floodlights, a large house sized building inside the fence and 8 inch waveguides, with assorted other nasties so I was expecting company). Any other information on elevators? What was inside the closed panel with the handle? To get it going, is it as simple as turn the knobkey on, push up once, then the stop button when at any point, or does the elevator do its own thing and just go to preset altitudes? To get it to go down, just step out and push down, or is some kind of surprise waiting for me with the controls? If these things are locked, where, given this description, is the lockdown? thx.