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Thread: sony pc5 vs pc9

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  1. #1

    sony pc5 vs pc9

    I am going to purchase a sony mini camcorder. The PC5 cost more but the PC9 look like it has more options? Am I missing something?

    How are the PC5 holding up ?

    Anyone using a PC9 ? any problems?

    Any info would greatly be appreciated.


  2. #2

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    Check out the Sony ip5. I got a quote from for 989 USD. It may not be appropriate if you - depending on what the end use of your footage is - but certainly worth checking out. MicroMV format, not DV -stef

  3. #3

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    I have a PC9, and a PC5.
    The 9 is good for eixt and ground shots,
    but it sucks for freefall jumps.
    The floating focus gizmo hosed me on every deployment.
    It can't be altered.
    The 5's focus is fixed.
    So I got the 5, it works great,
    no focus freakouts on deplyment.

  4. #4

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    If the PC5 isn't out of production already, it soon will be. It is being superceded by the PC9. The MPEG movie feature on the PC9 is great.

    I don't think anyone knows anything concrete about this focus problem, because no one can seem to pin down exactly which models have it and which don't. As far as I know, the PC5 and PC9 lens train and CCD are identical.

  5. #5

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    Since you have both of them, is there a way to put that pc9 into manual focus mode? You have probably already checked that :)

    I just read the dcr-pc110 can do stills 1152x864 Have any of you tried printing images from your video? That would be something I think I would like to do. The pc9 only has 640x480. How do the stills look ?

    thanks, off to do some more web searching.

  6. #6

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    If you'd like to see some stills from a video shot by a pc110, check out the first two pics in the antenna section of the photo gallery...these were shot on my jumpin' buddy Blair's camera; he loves his 110 and sez the video is the best available in a small jumpable camera...the video he shoots is excellent, although once in a while, on a hard opening the picture will blur for a frame or two...I would bet chances are good that he will also respond to this post, and will be more than willin' to answer any more questions ya might have...stay cool and keep a LOW profile.....704

  7. #7

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    ...also, I'd like to add that I have had some of the digital stills printed on a photo printer with photo paper, and the results were pretty impressive...(considering it was video, not shot on still mode)... a 5x7 looks quite good, with only a hint of jagged edges in some spots...but from what I'm told, a 4x6 will look as good as a regular photo...........704

  8. #8

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    Those are some pretty nice pictures. Well it looks like I can get the pc5/pc9 ~850 pc110 ~1100

    I guess its just down to how much money I can dig up :)

    THANKS for all the good info

  9. #9

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    Stills captured off PC110 Video are at 640x480 not the higher res that the still option offers.

    The effect of any wide angle you stick on the front has a noticeable difference between video and still mode too.

    Overall I really like the features and output quality of my 110.

  10. #10

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    >Well it looks like I can get the pc5/pc9 ~850

    Do you have a URL or phone number where you can get a pc9 for $850?

  11. #11

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    Check out

    they sell a PC-9 for $798 only, HOWEVER
    when adding filters, lens, converter, warenty, shipping(Europe) it easyly ends up in $2000.


  12. #12

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    glad you brought that up. Do you think I need the wide angle lens? I was looking at getting this
    titanium .45x Wide Angle for $150. Does a wide angle help get better shots? Is there a better wide angle I should be looking at? Is that even the right size I need.

    I am still fairly new to the video lensing department and what to use to get the best shots during my jumps.


  13. #13

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    is there anybody jumping with the PC-9? I just sold my PC-5 need a new one. thanks for the Info.

  14. #14

    RE: sony pc5 vs pc9

    i jump a pc9 and i love it.
    i don't have any experience with other cameras so i couldn't compare to the pc5 but it has many different options.
    i like the night vision and editing options the best.
    you can set the focus to infinity. just make sure you've got your zoom dialed in. it's very easy bump the dials or buttons while taking your camera in and out of your helmet. you can miss some good stuff this way.

    lessoned learned!

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