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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #31


    Jason you say that I've gotten all pissed off because people go on scouting trips without me! well you are wrong I could care less what you guys do. I can do ##### my self I dont need to follow anyones lead that thinks they know everything.I've also heard stories about you guys doing some pretty dumb stuff.The thing with the frap hat wasn't me but yes I was there.It was my second jump, and was with people who were experianced.How do you know how much knowledge I have about the sport ? Yes me and Geoff have asked for permission on several sights, and the answer has always been yes. Why not get permision, its better than sneeking around and going to jail. You guys are just mad because you wont to sneek around and feel like your doing something illegale or top secret, hell if you open everyones eyes to what is going on maybe the sport would grow. Me and Geoff got permision to jump from an object that 4 of you guys jumped and had to run from.
    Also you said that I used poor judgement when picking out my exit point on my (E), thats your opinion, and opinions are like assholes everybody has one.
    I've asked questions and tried to learn from several people but they act like you ! Like they know everything and i don't wont to hang out with people who are stuck on themselves. So don't worry I've been scouting my own sights,and would never ask you or your friends to hang out with me.
    Thanks for using your real name now I know the inner circle of two faced people.
    John Hayes
    North Carolina Base #3

  2. #32


    Of course, I was the first man to anger John Hayes. It was when he asked if he could be the first to jump off the Conquistador Mi Las Muchachas di las Elefante in Paraguy. Of course I would not let him, for I had to be the first. He called me a "Mexican a$$hole" and left the country.

  3. #33


    What a load of horsesh*t you have been shouting out. you say Jim got his number because of you and geoff and the fact that no one else would take him, that's crap! Where you there when he got his E? no, where you there when he got his B? no I took jim to an ant. long before you did, but circumstances were against him that night, Jason in Raleigh took him before you but the elevator was broken. People in Fla. took him also before you, but circumstances once again were against him, You came after a long line of other people tried to help him. the timing was finally right for him to get it. Not because you did anything special. Get over it.
    Speaking of numbers, Who got you yours? Who was there at your B. on your very first jump?What about the bridge? Who showed you where the quarry was? It was me #####, and you have the nerve to bash me and my friends because we can't drop everything were doing and drive to babysit you and Geoff? Put in your time like everybody else did, like I did. We don't owe you the time of day, yet we have helped and showed you places to jump. Instead of saying thank you every once in awhile all you two do is bitch about how nobody does anything for you. Quit whining. As for you two nimrods asking permission for a building jump..You guys are so off base it's unbelievable! I dare you to travel to other cities and start asking local building owners for permission. Your asses will get tar and feathered so quick by the local jumpers it make your heads spin. You think that because A $5.00 dollar an hour security guard said it was o.k you have free reign. Wrong, you just alerted them to our presense and made it potentialy harder for jumpers to follow. You guys think about no one but yourselves. This was a virgin site still under construction. What if they would had said no and then tightened security? You're right four of us jumped it without permission, and we all got away. We could all do it again and still get away. Since you have "permission why aren't you down there in the daytime with news crews having a miny Petroanis day? Why not? because you don't have sh$t! In this country no building owner is going to give you permission because of liabitly reasons. What you guys did was called burning a site before it was ever jumped. As far as new sites you have been scouting, I doubt if they're new, Almost everything worthy has been jumped already, you're probabily getting ready to burn someonelse's site. As far as the Charlotte area goes, you are not a local and we don't need you coming here and burning any sites we jump now or any future sites we will jump. You have your area, please stay there.

    Mike Bartlett
    BASE 515

    Ps Your N.C BASE number has been revoked because of ethics violations in this state. Ouit using it.

    :* :*

  4. #34


    So this is how it is.Everybody started bashing Jim and when I stepped up to take his side because he's my friend you son of a Bitches start on me well screw all of you and if you wont to TAR AND FEATHER me you know where I am.That's the only thing thats wrong with BASE it's more Political than Skydiving (more self centered babies in BASE).
    If someone on the BASE board sees someone getting slammed, no matter who it is. everyone is eager to follow suit. Oh yeah been to another town GREANSBORO and jumped a building with permission that you MIKE BARTLETT, JASON MCCLURE have been arrested on long ago. You say that I have no ethics,but its the other way around I do have ethics and a strong love of the sport.
    True i dont like hiding in the shadows pretending to be an outlaw. I'am trying to show everyone about the sport i love and if that meansnot having any friends in Base well I won't have any.
    NC BASE #3
    ps.none of you can take that away from me I EARNED it.:*

  5. #35


    Can you post your email I need to ask you something?

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