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Thread: Maxim Paramonov strikes again!!!!!!

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Maxim Paramonov strikes again!!!!!!

    Since this rat bastard has screwed the parachuting industry again by credit card fraud, here is his information for all to see and use to find him in Moscow. He has bilked us out of thousands of dollars by saying he never ordered or received the goods. Does anyone have any new information on finding this guy??

    Maxim Paramonov
    Leninsky pr-t d16 kv48
    Moscow 117071 Russia
    VISA, #4520-0560-0081-3647, expiration: 07-2003

  2. #2

    RE: Maxim Paramonov

    Perhaps there is also a way to alert the credit card company itself about the number of times this guy has claimed he "did not receive the ordered goods."

    If anyone knows anything about this angle, maybe they can educate us all, as I'm sure people (not necessarily) in the U.S. try to do this too, and hopefully VISA et al have a procedure for handling it that could help solve the problem.

    Sorry for your losses. Best wishes in the new year.


  3. #3

    RE: M.P. strikes again!!!!!!

    Conceivably if you haven't notified the VISA company, now people who read the board can use the posted VISA number, expiration date, and name for long distance phone calls or whatever.

    Generally, it sets off red alerts when you order to a different address from the card holder's account number.

  4. #4

    RE: M.P. strikes again!!!!!!

    Perhaps that's the idea behind the posting.

    >now people who read the board can use
    >the posted VISA number

    Fight fire with fire, I always say. If the card is still valid, then let us create havoc for this thief.

  5. #5

    RE: M.P. strikes again!!!!!!

    ...A new rig?...For me?...You really shouldn't have!...AND a laser rangefinder?...Thank you so much...You're too kind!...And I thought Christmas was over...hehehe:7

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