I've always been a sucker for inane trivia or interesting quotations. I thought it might be interesting to post a thread looking for interesting, funny or relevant quotes for Base jumpers. I know their are some on the ABA web-site, so I thought I'd try not to duplicate them here (Altho I love that George Carling quote about the order of life!).
I saw a good one this week -
"Dream as if you'll live forever;
Live as if you'll die today."
Attributed to James Dean.
The other one I've always loved, tho' it may not be really relevant (unless you can picture your better half saying it) was between Winston Churchill and Lady Astor in the British House of Parliament -
Lady Astor - "Winston, if you were my husband I'd put poison in your coffee!"
to which Churchill replied, "Lady, if you were my wife I"d drink it!"
Hope this spurs some interest in other late-nite readers.
Skypuppy BASE92:+