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Thread: Does anyone know Maxim Paramonov?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: AC and Baby Brian

    The moral of this story appears to be: be very careful with whom you do business and to trust no one unless you absolutely know that they cannot be bought.
    We were sorry to read that sincere people lost money on the Petronas deal due to the unscrpulous people mentioned as allies of the "SCAB".
    Since he wanted to hold on to the $18,000 from the aborted Bridgeday , perhaps he would offer to reimburse these jumpers who lost money because of the slippery and immoral actions of he and those who screwed everyone over both in the Bridgeday as well as the Petronas events.
    Don't hold your breath,because these people pursue personal gain at the expense of others, a crime against BASE people.
    Irregulaties abound with the Scab and his friends.
    A camel really can pass thru the eye of a needle, if it is greased.
    Anti-social behavior really does negatively affect others as has been seen.
    Sociopathic comments seem to abound on this site by those who attack some of the writers.
    We were sorry to see that actual BASE equipment manufacturing companies went in with Scab as well.
    Keep shaking the tree Mr. Hide, more bad apples will fall out of it.
    This site serves a good purpose in identifying problems and in confirming the deviant behavior of the Scab and his friends(whoops, he doesn't have any friends, just fellow profiteers and maggots who suck around him looking for freebies).

  2. #17

    RE: Does anyone know Maxim...?

    I just got an email from this guy:

    >Mema Memik <> wrote:
    >What a ##### u want? This is our retaliation for
    >bombing our county. ##### U and your government!!!

  3. #18

    Do you even know Avery?

    Hey Jetsum, do you even know any of the people that Robin talks so poorly of? I do not like everyone of the individuals that robin slams.
    That does not mean they are all as bad as he says.
    I am tired of hearing my friends get slamed. These are people who have stood by base jumping and base jumpers for the last ten years and some of them even longer. If you think bridge day hurt you, how do you think it felt to the organizers? They spend the better part of 6 months planning that event so base jumpers can go jump for 60 bucks. no where else does that happen. I don't see how you can possible expect the organizers to spend there own money paying you back.
    I think someone should stick a fist in that smart mouth of yours.
    These are my friends, and I have known them for a long time. They deserve a little respect just for the self disipline it takes not to respond to robin and his inflamatory defamation. I would definitly recomend self restraint, if these individuals decide to leave you off the invite lists for future events, you could very well end up be a lonely little victem just like robin.
    but I guess you must own your judgments before we know who you are.

    Brian Choppin

  4. #19

    Setting the Record Straight

    Mick, sorry to hear someone ripped you off. Maybe the solution is to get a confirmation of
    delivery from the USPS so you can prove to the cc company that the merchandise was delivered.
    If they don’t offer a confirmation of delivery for that country, then require a money order.

    Robin, I have been very tolerant and mature, but I am sick and tired of your endless attacks and
    slanderings. I haven’t been on the baseboard for months, but I just happen to read this thread and
    subsequently your nasty post. Here Mick is talking about cc fraud and you see that as a great
    opportunity to start spewing. You have the most vulgar and obscene language of anyone else on
    this forum. Furthermore, your manipulation of my name takes me back to the days of elementary
    school, only those children were much more clever and interesting than yourself.

    It’s a shame that these fine BASE jumpers you listed were convinced by you not to go to the
    world championships last summer. I guess they didn’t realize that you know nothing about
    running a BASE competition. On the other hand, I am an expert in BASE competition. You’re
    all salty with me because I ended up with the job that you had worked out with Dann. I didn’t
    steal your job. Jacinta and Dann Lee called me and asked me to do it after they had had enough
    of you. Apparently you have a problem getting along with people. It seems like you have more
    relationships turn cancerous and sour than anyone I know. Even Mark Hewitt can’t stand you
    now. You paint this awful picture of me but half those jumpers you named as loyalists are my
    friends (Spacey Tracey, Vladi, Jeb, Yuri, Marta, Jimmy, and Per). The others I have not had the
    pleasure of meeting. Even after a bad breakup, me and Avery were able to bury the hatchet while
    in Malaysia and he was allowed to participate in the event. Dennis was only mad at me because I
    had offered to you and Dann Lee technical advice for the world championships.

    To all BASE jumpers...FOR THE RECORD:

    The International Championships of Extreme Skydiving 2001 (a.k.a. the world championships of
    BASE) was the greatest BASE jumping competition the world has ever known. I know what a
    well ran and challenging BASE competition is as good as anyone, and this event was such. The
    skill level was very high. I got to meet and jump with some of the best BASE jumpers from all
    over the world. The human aspect of the experience alone was incredible. The organizer staff
    was great. If Robin had been there, it might have sucked.

    During the last round I was in third place up against two Aussies with a 2-point spread, and I
    thought gee, I’m representing America here. We had setup a ring of windblades around the target
    and when it came my turn to jump, all the windblades were blowing towards the pad. Yeah, go figure. I had a low pressure, vorticie, natural phenomenon happening right over the pad. I went
    for it and performed a near perfect jump. Jimmy and Dwain jumped after me and had less than
    ideal jumps.

    So Robin, if you want to call me the “world chump”, then whatever blows your dress up weirdo.
    Those who were there saw it and know that I became a world champion on that day. Perhaps
    what pleases me the most is how it’s stated in papers all over the world that an American won the

    Johnny “Utah” Winkelkotter

  5. #20

    Johnny Delusional's REAL record

    Thank YOU for the Christmas present, Johnny. Your post is THE funniest example of delusional mental gymnastics I've seen since Bill CLinton pointed at the TV camera and said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky..."

    Your "greatest BASE jumping competition the world has ever known" was a farce and a clusterfucck that was almost closed down the first day because of your organization incompetence and desperation to do ANYTHING so you could puff out your chest (as you just did in your post) and call yourself world chUmp... and now you admit in your own words that it was YOUR event -- handily "won" by you with published results that clearly documented scoring fraud while using a set of "rules" that you and Dwain Weston made up as you went along so you could be sure to win.

    The results of that competition were utterly illegitimate, not only in design but in judging and in the paperwork itself -- which was published on this board several days after the event.

    Go ahead Weaselkotter, explain those numbers, you delusional dipstick... how you were "first" with 30-some points, second place was 300-some points, but 6th place was 65-some points.

    What a comedian you are, Weasel boy... a "world championships" with no rules, using what your buddyfuccking buddy Anne Helliwell called a clear "B" Team of jumpers (which is how she justified her participation ... there were so many low-timers and geeks on your load (in boxing, they call this "bum of the week" opponents to make a mediocre boxer look great) that she felt compelled to go in order to "protect the sport" from the deadly consequences of inexperienced people desperately and indiscriminately invited by you so you could have your so-called "greatest competition." (Tell us all about that great jumper you invited who didn't have a single BASE jump, for example.)

    You are utterly delusional... you are no BASE jumping competition expert, as until Petronas -- the event you admit you put on, then competed in too -- you had never organized a base jumping competition... and it could be argued that you STILL haven't actually organized a single BASE jumping competition, as Petronas was not in any way, shape or form a legitimate competition.

    Moreover, every IPBC competition ever held FAR surpasses in terms of integrity and organization that abortion in Malaysia you call a "competition" -- every one of them, and everyone knows I don't go out of my way to praise Dennis and Avery.

    You lied and cheated and scammed and defrauded everyone involved in this so you could strut around (as you did in this post) as the world chUmp that you are.

    Had we all stuck together, as Mark Hewitt suggested (until you told Jasmina that offering a free surfing trip would get him to turn on his BASE brothers in an eyeblink)... had YOU not undermined everything I worked for two years to accomplish for ALL of us so you could get your two seconds of fame -- everything would have worked out so much better for everyone and, as I said before, Petronas would be a growing and developing concern and not the mess it now is.

    So thanks from all of us, you delusional, misbegotten Pharisee of a chUmp. You used your Christianity to gain my trust so you could pursue your blind, mindless, utterly selfish ambition...

    That is what makes you the absolute worst piece of garbage in this whole affair. The lapses of honesty, loyalty and ethics committed by Dennis, Avery, Mark, Dwain, and Anne pale to insignifiance beside your morally insane conduct -- all in the name of Christ and the great glorious Johnny Weaselkotter.

    Anyway, thanks again for the Christmas present.

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  6. #21

    RE: Do you even know Avery?

    I have never been to bridgeday but it would appear to be a simple task to get 300 jumpers off a bridge and to attend to other support items. I have participated in managing marathons and running races of various numbers of people up to 5000 partcipants and it was no big deal. Someone must either be lying or retarded or unfocused if they or he took that long to prepare for bridge day; especially if they have done it several times before. I looked at the website and talked to Florida people who participated in it last year and they agreed that it was just a repetition of previous bridgedays, including the absolute arrogance and disrespect for the participants and gross mismanagement. That mismanagement included, most notoriously, not providing adequate transportation from the bottom at the river to the top at the bridge,and making it extremely difficult for the jumpers to fight thru the crowd to get to the area from which they had to jump. One guy exclaimed "How can that ****make the same mistakes over and over again?"
    Veterans of bridgeday stated that the man in charge of bridgeday, the "Scab", has no management ability and seemed to be foggy and dazed like he was in a trance one day and hyper the next, but always, every day,unprofessional.
    The questioned participants were also shocked that the guy is so deficient and unorganized that he does not even know where all of the money he made disappeared to, so he couldn't tell anybody about the cash flow even if he wanted to.
    If I ever heal up enough I think that I will go to the "Foggy Bottom" parachute day next year and see for myself. I'd like to see the "Bridgeday Bandit" in action.

  7. #22

    RE: Does anyone know Maxim...?

    Mick - maybe you should make this a new thread - I don't know if too many people will read through all the above postings and get this far.:+

  8. #23

    More Facts

    Robin, you bitter little man - that wasn't a Christmas present. That was me defending myself and the world championship event from your chicken sore loser rhetoric. You think you can say trash all day long and someone out there just might believe it. That's fine that you know I'm a Christian, but where do you get off saying I did this all in the name of Christ and that I used Christianity to gain your trust. Robin, you are the master of offending people. Haven't you noticed that most people don't like you. I quit responding to your e-mails when I realized you were a paranoid lunatic.

    Hey everybody, please bear with me, I'm not going to spend hours on end writing on the BASE board like our little psychopathic problem child. I'm going give some facts about the event so you all have a clearer picture of what really went on. Then eventually I'm going to go do other stuff; like parachute jumping. I'm sure Robin will ramble on for years to come, and I guess we just have to tolerate it--life goes on.

    Before I get started about the world championships, let me point out that Robin did not open the Petronis building to BASE jumpers...Dann and Jacinta Lee did. They made it all possible, and as they demonstrated, Robin was not a critical element to either event. Robin was in the right place at the right time and like he said, it fell into his lap. Good for him. It is his own fault that he offends people and cut himself out of the loop. I wish he was a nicer person so that he could have stayed in the loop so that we wouldn't have to listen to him whine and complain and offend and trash people night and day.

    I never said it was my event, nor will I. It was Dann and Jacinta's event. I'm grateful to them that they would stick their necks out for BASE jumpers and pay out the largest cash prizes as to date.

    Everyone needs to understand that as soon as Robin cut himself out of the loop, he started trying to shut down the event so no one could jump the tallest building in the world. This was very selfish on his part. Why would anyone think that we need him to put on a BASE event. Actually, he would not have even been qualified to jump at this competition. There was a few low timers that showed; I didn't invite them. Those not qualified did not jump.

    I was among five organizers, which were highly qualified for their slots. We had many obstacles to overcome and we did our best in doing so. Sadly enough, the biggest obstacle was the intense political atmosphere created by Robin. When Petronis executives told us that Robin was e-mailing them nonstop to cancel the event telling them many horror stories, I thought about a little boy who doesn't get his way so he grabs his ball and says you guys can't play and then goes home and grows up to be a geek like Robin.:'(

    The first day we had a building strike which resulted in a broken leg. This kind of thing is a possibility in any BASE event, heck, someone actually had a wall strike at the KL Tower. Because Robin had the Petronis people so primed to think that someone was going to die for sure, they shut down the event. All the organizers met together with Petronis and essentially re-educated them. After watching the video and inspecting the gear from the incident, we determined that a combination of two things may have greatly contributed. Manly that he was jumping a skydiving parachute modified for BASE--the other thing was that he had installed his pc unevenly, so it orbited on deployment. So we banned all non-BASE specific canopies and visually inspected all pilot chutes. This is the first time this has ever been done in our BASE community, setting a new standard of gear safety. The entire world of BASE events had just climbed a rung on the latter of refinement. At the end of the day, it was the the knowledgeable and professional interaction between us (the organizers) and the Petronis staff that reopened this site and event. Nice try Robin, but you failed to shut us down.

    Now I'll address your silly comments about the rules. All the organizers had some input with the rules. They were designed to encourage safe jumping. They're straight forward. You get a score for opening with a launch bonus and a score for landing with a stand-up bonus. The judges were brought in by Dann Lee and had extensive judging experience in skydiving Nationals in their countries. All the placings were legitimate. Ken Miller got a copy of a score sheet that was printed out while Dann Lee's people were setting up a spread sheet program. He was not authorized to take the unfinished score sheet nor was he authorized to post it. Never the less, the discrepencies are typos -- big deal. Ken Miller is a nice guy and I'm sure he ment no harm by it.

    This part is funny: Robin, do you realize that out of all the BASE jumpers in America, you're nothing more than a low timer with a job at Skydiving Mag. Seriously dude, I don't think you realize the caliber of BASE Jumpers you're insulting when you call those who showed up

    " low-timers and geeks on your load (in boxing, they call this "bum of the week" opponents to make a mediocre boxer look great)".

    You need to take another look at the list of competitors before you make such ignorant statements.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make this event happen and I hope we do it again next year. Now Robin will reply to this in his usual hateful fashion.


    Johnny "Utah" Winkelkotter

  9. #24

    RE: sucked in

    Too bad you got sucked in Johnny, most of the insulted people here seem to just ignore the little creep. Try it out. All of the rambling, and flip-flopping on Mr. Hyde's part prove him to be an unreliable source for facts.

  10. #25

    RE: Do you even know facts?

    I have been to Bridge Day, for many years. I know that the BASE organisers don't have much say over the buses. We used to just have our own trucks and such, but the Bridge Day Commission banned that. Now they (BDC not BDA) provide the buses, and make the rules about them. We have to share with the rappellers. They aren't supposed to let public on the bus. Last year the bus drivers hosed us by letting public on the bus. I think the BDA are doing a great job compared to old organisers. I disagree with you about how difficult it could be to get all those jumpers off the bridge, I've been and seen, you haven't. The bridge is very crowded that day, of course it's going to be hard to get through the crowd, deal with it. How can they do for hundreds of jumpers so that every one of them gets their way? Can't. Would have to do it hundreds of ways. Only one Bridge Day. Maybe you should go see how much fun it is.

  11. #26

    More BS from Johnny Weasel


    You said one thing right: I am indeed bitter that a few of the many people I trusted to be honest, ethical and generous to BASE (not just their own personal agenda) managed to screw up a beautiful thing.

    The Petronas thing started solely and completely because of ME. _I_ wanted to jump Petronas and asked Dann Lee how I could get past security.

    He said "Get their bosses to give you permission" and then suggested a world championships and it went from there.

    Dann being a whuffo, it obviously never occurred to him to even consider such a thing until _I_ posited the notion.

    And then, Weasel boy, just how exactly was it that he ended up using each and every one of the people _I_ had chosen to help run the event -- people I'd chosen for their technical skill and accomplishments, not realizing they were self-serving, disloyal spoiled children such as yourself.

    Answer THAT, Weasel: I selected Hewitt, Helliwell, Weston and Weaselkotter -- and it was to those turncoats that Dann turned when Tracy Walker and Hannes Kraft refused to participate if Dann cut me out (all Weasel's sniveling aside, the bottom line on the whole thing WAS the bottom line: Dann Lee refused to pay me for my work, and in fact refused to pay anybody for anything and the ONLY way Weaselkotter & Co. even got their expenses paid was that Dann Lee was forced to do that in order to oput on his "beer demo fiasco."

    I was also solely and completely responsible for the selection of the jumpers for the world record jump at the millennium. The "critical" role I absolutely and unequivocally played was bringing all the right people together so the job could be done. In fact, without _me_, there would have been no jumps from Petronas in any way, shape or form. As I said in a previous post about this, I made a lot of mistakes, but none of them were technical. Each and every single person I chose to participate in both events was TECHNICALLY capable. I was just an idiot to trust them to keep their word and not screw me and BASE jumping to satisfy their own little short-sighted agendas.

    Weasel's continuning focus on a "world championships" that did not in fact even happen -- Petronas made it clear it would NOT let it be called a "world championships" without an international sanctioning body) actually reinforces the unbelievable short-sightedness and ignorance rampant among the spoiled disloyal children who turned this beautiful opportunity into such a mess.

    That is in fact why I tried to shut it down. YOU BET I tried my best to shut down that clusterfucck after I lost control of it to the children -- and I was not the only one.

    SEVERAL very senior, mature and PROFESSIONAL members of the BASE community (including several who Johnny Weasel says are his respected friends) sent letters and emails imploring Petronas to please shut it down or they were going to get blood on their building -- (which they did, by the way. THOUSANDS of people in those buildings got to watch several little Muslim ladies mopping the blood off the while-tiled roof -- an accident that would NOT have happened had the full height of the building been used, which it wasn't because the children had no idea how to make that happen.

    The important thing none of the children knew or understood was that you don't put together projects like this for your narrow little self-serving BASE reasons but to do something that makes it worthwhile for the corporation that allows it. NONE of this was done, adn that is why I predict there will be no further jumping ever from Petronas unless I am once again involved.

    As for all those "obstacles" Weaselkotter and the other kids surmounted -- they were self-created because there was simply not enough time to PROFESSIONALLY put on a world class event, as the situation proved, and as the children discovered to their chagrin as time went on.

    Note ALSO that Weaselkotter CONFIRMS that the "rules" for this alleged "world chUmpionships" were made up ON THE SPOT.

    No competitors had any idea what the judging criteria would be, or how the events would be scored. In act, none of the so-called "organizers" had a CLUE about what they were going to do until they got there! (If everyone remembers, the "invitations" sent out by Dann Lee originally had aerials and wingsuit flying as part of the "competition," but due to letters from me and others to Petronas, they had to get rid of that part because it was way too dangerous, and the SECOND invitation went out without those events.

    What professionalism! Can you imagine a world meet of any kind in ANY sport where you make up the rules when you get there -- and the rules are made up by two of the main competitors for the championship -- who RESISTED every suggestion that might conceivably have reduced THEIR chances to win? (I know this from reports by people who were IN those meetings, by the way, and amused by the whining of Weasel and Weston whenever any judging suggestion deviated from the "fix" they had put in for themselves.

    Weaselkotter's crown is totally illegitimate, and he confirms that illegitimacy every time he posts another "explanation."

    There were in fact a lot of low-timers and geeks at Petronas, along with a number of very skilled and experienced jumpers (Weasel never DID explain, by the way, how they managed to let a guy with NO BASE jumps at all on the load).

    As for my own resume, I have 3,000 skydives and 100 BASE jumps, done during a 27-year period, MORE than enough to be "qualified" for Johnny's bum-of-the-month "competition." I know there were several people there with less than TEN BASE jumps and many more whom my good friend Avery described as "white knuckle BASE jumpers," scared half to death on the launch point and who in no way, shape or form should have been there -- but then, without the $400 they had to get from 50 people, there wouldn't have been enough money to pay Johnny Weasel and the other spoiled children for their free trips at the expense of BASE jumping generally.

    NONE of my jumps, by the way, are from the Perrine Bridge, where Weasel and so many other "high-timers" pad their jump totals, and neither are there dozens of jumps from the same spot in my total, as there are for so many other high-timers.

    I pick and choose where I jump, and especially WHAT I jump, and there are a high percentage of entries in my logbook that chronicle descents made from objects that had not been jumped before, and remain unjumped since I did them.

    And while I don't have nearly as many jumps from airplanes or objects as a lot of people, I am in fact current and capable at RW, CRW, freeflying, accuracy, swooping, tandem jumping, demos and BASE. I am a much more accomplished overall PARACHUTIST than 90 percent of the "high-time" BASE jumpers out there, and I seriously doubt even the great Weasel would try to land in some of the spots I do.

    There's also one more thing Johnny Weasel and many of the other "high-timers" will never match and that is my "time in grade," as Nick 194 likes to say. It is a concept obvious to jumpers who have been doing it for a long time, and quite obscure to spoiled children like Weasel. I've seen his ilk come and go for years and years, and pretty much every single issue and element in BASE existed in every other part of parachuting at some point duing its development.

    And DEVELOPMENT is the key phrase here, a phrase and concept that has utterly, totally and completely escaped the kids because they're not sufficiently experienced or mature enough to even know what it means, much less craft what they do to DEVELOP their sport.

    So once more for effect, Weasel: You call yourself a BASE competition "expert" but you never created or organized one single event in all those 6,000 jumps you say you have.

    You have not GIVEN one thing to BASE -- you only TAKE for today instead of trying to plan and DEVELOP for tomorrow.

    As I have said, I made a lot of mistakes in creating and developing Petronas as a BASE site. In fact, I made more mistakes than anyone else because I DID more than anybody else.

    But the goal was not the vainglorious self-aggrandizement of Johnny Weasel and Dwain Weston but the development of our sport in ways that would expand the number, quality and frequency of access to various sites around the world.

    Weasel and the other children wanted only to play for today, and now all of us are paying the price for their selfishness and immaturity.

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  12. #27

    did anyone else hear a duck quack?


    quack quack

  13. #28

    Couldn't resist, eh Avery?

    C'mon Avery, you always call Robin a quack, so we know it's you... DUCK!

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