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Thread: Does anyone know Maxim Paramonov?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Does anyone know Maxim Paramonov?

    Maxim Paramonov

    Billing Address:
    Leninsky pr-t d16 kv48
    Moscow, RU 117071 Russia

    Shipping Address:
    Leninsky pr-t d16 kv48
    Moscow, RU 117071 Russia

    I shipped him $400.00USD worth of products from the store in2 seperate boxes, and he has charged back his credit card for 90% of the amount claiming he did not receive the products.

    I already do not make a profit on this site, and with $400.00 CC fraud, I am going to get ##### pretty hard on these things.
    [h2]Here is what he ordered:[/h2]
    Code Name Quantity Price/Ea. Total
    YP600 Bushnell Yardage PRO 600 1 $249.00 $249.00
    ANKLE304 Ankle Orthosis 2 $29.95 $59.90
    Size: Medium
    AAT2 Active Ankle T2 1 $39.95 $39.95
    Size: Meduim
    BIBC BLiNC I. BASE CD (Special Offer) 1 $5.95 $5.95
    Shipping: Global Shipping: $46.75
    Total: $401.55

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Russian Fraud


    Several skydiving manufacturers and resellers have been recently complaining on rec.skydiving about Russin fraud. If you do a search on for you friend Maxim Paramonov you will see his is one of the names mentioned.

    Looks like you've been ripped off.x(

  3. #3

    RE: Russian Fraud

    I don't suppose you coult help me with some leg work on those groups?

    But, I guess I realize that I have been ripped off.
    Unfortunately, $400.00 loss out of the profit I already "DON"T" make = $400.00/10 in magnitude for me.
    x( x( x( x(

  4. #4

  5. #5


    too bad he didnt use his real name, the name given would translate to something like "big top" or "best mountain". With more information, we'll be glad to have the comrade killed. thank you.:-)

  6. #6

    RE: name

    I have his name he gave to me and several other companies in the above posts to this thread.

  7. #7

    RE: Does anyone know Maxim...?

    I really don't understand how someone can be so ##### COLD! I think these people are real pieces of #####. And BLiNC is starting to hurt seriously because of it.
    Name: Dusan Pavlicevic Name: Dusan Pavlicevic
    Email Address: Email Address:
    Phone Number: 00381638266871 Phone Number: 00381638266871
    Fax Number: Fax Number:
    Company: Company:
    Address: Raje Vracaricica 12/19 Address: Raje Vracaricica 12/19
    Krusevac, Serbia 37000 Krusevac, Serbia 37000
    YU YU

    BFT Black Farfrompullin T-Shirt 3 $17.95 $53.85
    Size: X-Large
    Shipping: Global Shipping: $15.84
    Sales Tax: $0.00
    Total: $69.69

  8. #8
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Does anyone know Maxim...?

    Hey Mick:

    I almost hate to suggest this, but:

    What if you required references for people ordering from outside the states, or people you don't know, or something like that?

    I can't believe people are ripping you off. That sucks. I really hope they aren't real jumpers, as Karma will undoubtedly catch up with them in the end.

    --Tom Aiello

  9. #9

    RE: Does anyone know Maxim...?

    That actually may have to happen. That way, the reference can break something if the guy does try to screw me over.

  10. #10

    Welcome to the club

    Well. Mick, you're finding out the hard way what _I_ found out about the hard way... there are a lot more BASE bastards out there than there are BASE brothers... I'm out $7,000 from cock suckers who looked me in the eye and gave me their word to be loyal to my efforts, to be part of the team, and then fuccked me in the asss the second they got the chance -- and then called ME the bad guy to divert attention from their disreputable, dishonmest nastiness.

    Because of this, I STRONGLY suggest that you accept international money orders only for international business, and maybe for U.S. orders too.

    I did, in fact, get screwed primarily by American BASE bastards, and mostly got nothing but the very best from the Euros, but a couple of them were cock suckers too, and now that the readers of this Board know they can fucck you with their credit card orders, it's going to start happening more than before.

    Face it, my friend, a lot of people take up BASE jumping because it's a socialy acceptable way to be a criminal, and they'll stick it to their "brothers" as fast as they will anyone else, especially to those of us naive enough to think that because we BASE jump, we're all brothers.

    Sorry for your trouble. Funny how it seems that the more you do for your "brothers," the more the bastards stick it to you.



  11. #11

    RE: Welcome to INSANITY

    Dr. Jekyl posted:
    [font color="red"](snip).......cock suckers who looked me in the eye and gave me their word to be loyal to my efforts, to be part of the team, and then fuccked me in the asss the second they got the chance -- and then called ME the bad guy to divert attention from their disreputable, dishonmest nastiness.[/font]

    Mr. Hyde replies:
    [font color="blue"]Yes you little rat-bastard, that is exactly what you did to DM, YOU burned him for thousands, AND cancelled his ticket home from Singapore, leaving him stranded halfway across the planet![/font]

    Dr. Jekyl posted:
    [font color="red"]Sorry for your trouble. Funny how it seems that the more you do for your "brothers," the more the bastards stick it to you.[/font]

    Mr. Hyde replies:
    [font color="blue"]Look in the mirror for a rat-bastard![/font]

  12. #12

    Merry Christmas to You too!

    Dear JPT:

    Thank you for the present: Your post's exactly what I was talking about: You're calling ME the bad guy when, in fact:

    1. DM and his little LAMB (Lord And Master Badenhop), were the second and first, respectively, of the previously mentioned cock suckers.

    2. In fact, it was their betrayal of my Petronas efforts for their own ends that those two "BASE brothers" caused the chain of events that led to a lot of related conflict in the BASE community, and the amateur effort that took place last August.

    In so doing, they betrayed the entire BASE community... and they did it for the most childish of reasons: Petty jealousy and petty greed.

    DM and LAMB were intensely aggravated that they'd worked for seven years and never opened up a single new legal site, and in one year I open up the world's tallest and most beautiful building to the most spectacular parachuting demo ever done.

    3. They also repeated ad nauseam that without the selling points their past accomplishments provided, I woulda gotten nowhere.

    Which may or may not be true but the bottom line is, without me, THEY went nowhere, and the moment I got involved, they went straight to the top of the world's tallest building.

    4. And the really stupid thing about it all is: I never had any interest in being a BASE event promoter. Opportunity fell into my lap, and I took advantage of it. In fact, I repeatedly told DM during our association that, in a year or two or three, whenever the show was running at the professional standard I wanted, I'd turn the whole show over to DM and LAMB because they liked doing shows and I didn't.

    But they just couldn't wait. We had this great thing going and they decided to cut my throat so they could have all of it right now. It was ridiculous.

    So as far as I'm concerned, DM pretty much got exactly what he deserved.

    5. As did _I_, by the way.

    I lost 100 times more on this project than DM did and that's pretty much exactly what I deserve too.

    I was a naive businessman, starting with my decision to be "partners" with Dann Lee instead of working for him on a retainer basis only. (That's because when a qui-loh (white devil) becomes partners with a Chinese businessman, what he really does is agree to work for free.)

    Second, I assumed people whose technical skills and accomplishments I trusted could ALSO be trusted in a business environment.

    Third, I totally underestimated what slut puppies and children a lot of "senior" BASE jumpers are when there's a chance to jump a really spectacular object.

    So when it comes right down to it, the whole mess is my fault. I made it happen, then I mismanaged the people and then lost control of the thing to the children.

    In so doing, I gained and then lost a great opportunity for the BASE jumping community.

    I did the best I could and I'm sorry it didn't work out better. Had LAMB and DM been loyal -- or at least patient, things may have turned out better, but then again, maybe not. It was me after all, who made the foundation mistake of being a "partner" instead of a consultant.

    But I digress.

    BASE jumper does not mean BASE brother. That's the unfortunate truth Mick and I both learned this year.

    Thanks again for the Christmas present, JPT.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  13. #13

    RE: Merry Christmas to You too!

    You are finally talking some sense. I had no
    idea what the story was.

    Yes... there is no way to really find out the
    true nature of the human character than by
    doing business deals, especially in a not so well
    defined way with so-called friends.

    Congrats on getting the site going.


  14. #14

    Robin, you are truly an idiot

    you must be the only adult in the Base community.

  15. #15

    AC and Baby Brian

    Thanks for the kind words, AC. I appreciate them, especially after taking it on the chin from you a number of times previously! ;-)

    As for you, Baby Brian, I am in fact an idiot about a number of things, as I acknowledged in the post above: If I had been smarter, wiser, a better businessman, and less of an idiot in trusting your pals, Petronas would still be developing as a site instead of foundering in the chaos created by my inexperience and naive idiocy.

    And I am NOT the only adult in the BASE community, though I am one of the very few, and I thank YOU for bringing up this point because I neglected in my first post to mention those who DID comport themselves as adults, as loyal teammates, and as people with a long view both as businessmen AND as true BASE brothers interested in making the sport bigger and better.

    I thank them from the bottom of my heart for all their help and wisdom and that list includes: Tracy Walker, Hannes Kraft, Vladi Pesa, John Van Schalkwyk, Jeb Corliss, Arne Aarhus, Iiro Seppanen, Yuri Kuznetzov, Steve Braff, Per Erickson, Terje Halvorsen, Stein Edvardsen, Marta Empinotti, Jim Pouchert, Will Oxx, Jim Guyer and several others I've no doubt forgotten to mention -- many of whom lost money themselves by cancelling pre-paid airline tickets in order to be loyal to the project to what was best for BASE.

    Contrast their sacrifices,maturity and ethicality with the childish betrayal, dishonesty, selfishness and total lack of business ethics on the part of Dennis McGlynn, Satanic Cheerleader Avery Badenhop (SCAB), Mark Hewitt (who demanded everyone stand together, then sold out the BASE community for a free surfing trip), Dwain Weston and Anne Helliwell (who pretended to be my confidants and supporters while cutting their own deals with Dann Lee at the very same moment), and especially JOHNNY WEASELKOTTER, who is absolutely the world chUmp disreputable, slimeball, "fucck-everybody-but-me" BASE scumbag of all time.

    You, baby Brian, you're just an ungrateful, spoiled child, but you have a Merry Christmas too.

    Peace and love to all,

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

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