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Thread: Lost Wanderer is Back

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  1. #1
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 1997
    Perigee Pro

    Lost Wanderer is Back

    It's been a long time, but I'm finally back on the Board and just wanted to stop by and say hi to a lot of old friends who visit here.

    I'm still jumping like crazy, but my other jumping job has kept me too busy to visit here often.

    I've noticed a few changes...

    Negativity seems to be running rampant! That's a real shame.

    BASE jumpers are the most varied, opionionated group of people that I've ever met. But they are also the greatest group of people that I've ever met. So full of life and energy, and rightfully so. I wouldn't want to live my life any other way.

    Let's all take the time to make this Board a little more productive. Sure, we all disagree on things and that will never change, but there is a way to productively discuss issues without sounding like a tyrade of screaming little babies -- wouldn't you agree?

    We're all out there truly living life to its fullest, so one would think that we would be somewhat of a tight-knit community. I still think we are and darn proud to be a part of it.

    Good to be back on-line...


    Bryan Stokes

  2. #2

    RE: Lost Wanderer is Back

    Well spoken.



  3. #3

    RE: Lost Wanderer is Back

    Well said. However this is the first sport that I have even been (at times) ashamed and embarrased to be part off. Screaming , crying, backstabbing, and the single largest group of self center, greedy bastards I've even met. (This post is not meant for all base jumpers, I have met a few really nice, and genually concerned people with big hearts, and I thank them for their help.) But on the other hand, I can ask a simple question and get my head bit off!!! I have made genuie attempts to contact locals during my travels to hook up with, and get nothing but death threats!!!! (This one is for you "Local Kinda #####".)

    "What the F..K????

    Enough allready.

    Welcome back Man. We've never met, but I am looking foward to it.:P

  4. #4

    RE: Lost Wanderer is Back

    Sounds like a little screaming and whining right there, totally counterproductive to bps post which was right on.
    I jumped today, therefore I have nothing to bitch about. I definitely get grumpy as hell when it's all work and no freefall, and negativity runs rampant unless I'm loaded which comes in at a close second on rainy/cold days.
    Cheer up folks, winter's coming, definitely makes things lower profile in the midwest.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    RE: Lost Wanderer is Back

    It's about time someone says that. Thanks Bryan.
    Lucky (Meghan)

    "Live like you were dying."

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